John Bradley

Parks and Recreation BS, 2001

Community Services Director | Santaquin City Community Services Department | Santaquin, Utah

John Bradley

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A well-rounded professional with a record of significant accomplishment in leadership, program planning and organizational branding. Experienced in facility management, budget and policy/procedure development. Proven leadership in team-oriented staff training and volunteer coordination. Successful organizer of marketing, promotions & special events for all sizes of events. Well-versed communicator with city, public partners and event sponsors. Widely respected among peers in (URPA) Utah Recreation and Parks Association and (CPRS) California Parks and Recreation Society.

Most meaningful thing learned or experienced during my time as a student:

Enjoy being around others. My instructors were great. They taught us to enjoy being around others. Get involved and be happy.

Advice for current students/recent graduates:

Get involved. We really can make a difference. We just have to get involved and we can change the quality of life for others.