Joquel Begay-Haudley

Health Education & Promotion BS | Health Education and Promotion MPH, 2021

Program & Project Specialist/Unit Director | Boys & Girls Club of Diné Youth | Chinle, Arizona

Joquel Begay-Haudley

Contact Information



I started a new career leading the Office of Diné YOUTH and Boys & Girls Club as a Program & Project Specialist as I completed the final courses for the MPH program. In my new position, I supervise a team of six to ensure the delivery of comprehensive services to youth in the areas of employment, physical activity, educational pursuits, teamwork, leadership, and active participation in community and family life. The Navajo Nation's Boys & Girls Club is the only club for youth on the reservation, and I bring the right mix of education, experience, and passion to maximize the impact of Club programs.

Most meaningful thing learned or experienced during my time as a student:

As a Native KHS student, I was able to incorporate my culture into my program and assignments. The program allowed me to broaden my perspective to global cultures.

Advice for current students/recent graduates:

Always choose a topic you’re passionate about. It will make assignments and projects so much easier and interesting.