Child Development Laboratory Waitlist Application

Please fill out the information below. When this application is received, the child's name will be placed on the Child Development Laboratory Waiting Lists as indicated.Each age group has a separate wait list. Be sure to check the boxes of the corresponding program you would like your child on the wait list for. We will accept 3/4 of each school group for each lab on the basis of the application date. We will accept the remaining 1/4 of each group based on other specific criteria (referrals from medical professionals, etc). Please keep in mind that many children have been on the wait lists since birth so the lists are VERY long.

Attention: Please do not fill out an application until your child has an official birth date. We understand the desire to prepare and apply for the wait list before your child is born. However, if you apply for the wait list before your child is born, they will be moved down the waitlist.


Child Information

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