By David Schramm | October 26, 2021
Couple holding hands while talking to a counselor

For more than two decades, the Utah Marriage Commission has been providing relationship and marriage education classes, conferences and other resources to countless Utahns.

The Utah Marriage Commission began in 1998 as part of the Utah Governor’s office. It was placed in in the Department of Workforce Services in 2004, and was formally put in statute and transferred to the Department of Human Services in 2013. On July 1, 2021, the Legislature moved oversight to Utah State University, per House Bill 55.

The Commission consists of volunteer members appointed by the Governor and has a coordinator who oversees resource development and dissemination. The overall mission is to help residents of Utah form and sustain healthy and enduring marriages and relationships. The Commission promotes and supports marriage and relationship education services, with a special focus on serving populations at higher risk for family instability.

USU professors and extension faculty in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies, Drs. Dave Schramm and Brian Higginbotham, provide faculty leadership for the Utah Marriage Commission and manage the contract with the Department of Workforces Services (2021-2024). Funds are primarily being used to provide three services offered free to Utahns:

  • Bi-weekly webinars from relationship and marriage experts on a variety of topics.
  • Relationship assessment called RELATE, which is an in-depth assessment that, upon completion, offers a comprehensive report that breaks down how you view your relationship. With over 40 years of research, RELATE continues to be the best resource for couples to evaluate and get a better understanding of their relationship.
  • A 6-hour marriage preparation online course called ePREP, which aims to help couples improve their relationship through principles and skills. Couples who complete this free course qualify for the Marriage Education Discount (MED) of $20 off their marriage license.

   For more information about the Utah Marriage Commission and to access the free resources and webinars, visit