By Darcy Keady | November 29, 2021
Work and family infographic

The USU Human Development and Family Studies department (HDFS) offers many valuable General Education courses; in particular, the Balancing Work and Family Course (HDFS 1010). I teach one section of the course, so I admit my bias; however, I wish that I had been offered this course when I was taking Gen-Eds in college.  Many students also agree that HDFS 1010 is worthwhile.  Not only is the course fun, but the information is practical – you can use it now and in the future.  

We talk about realistically juggling everything from college responsibilities and dating, to employment, marriage, parenting, and finances. We end the course by taking a philosophical view of “balance” to help students create contentment and personal success as they journey through life. 

We hope to see you in class!