Financial Assistance

HDFS Graduate Programs

Admission to the program does not guarantee financial support, however, many of our Master's students receive financial support while in the program, if they desire and if funding is available.

Individuals admitted into the graduate program (including presently enrolled graduate students) interested in being considered for teaching and/or research assistantships must complete and return the form emailed by the Graduate Program Coordinator in the prior semester.


Teaching Assistantships (TA) and Research Assistantships (RA) are available for Master’s students who wish to perform teaching or research services to the department, in return for salary. Our department commits to supporting interested MS students .25 time (10 hours a week) during the first year of study. In Year 2 the student may receive a TA or RA as well, but this is dependent on available funds.

Fellowships and Scholarships

Fellowships and scholarships from both the department and college are also available for well-qualified doctoral-level students. Fellowships are financial awards and recognition that require no service from the recipient. Students are encouraged to establish residency (after the completion of 18 graduate credits) within the first 12 consecutive months in Utah, as they may be eligible for additional scholarships if they are in-state residents.

Awards are given on an annual basis typically these scholarships range in awards of several hundred to several thousand dollars.