Troy Beckert

Human Devt. and Family Studies

Associate Department Head, Professor

Troy  Beckert

Contact Information

Office Location: FL 221
Phone: 435-797-1570
Additional Information:

Educational Background

PhD, Educational Psychology, (Life Span Development), Arizona State University, 1998
Fathers and Early Adolescents: The Parent Success Indicator
MA, Educational Psychology, (Life Span Development)1995
Determining the Success of Grandparent Education
BA, Psychology, Arizona State University, 1989


As a professor of Human Development and Family Studies at Utah State University, I specialize in teaching and researching adolescent development from a normative model of psychosocial development.

Teaching Interests

I enjoy an active teaching agenda of both undergraduate and graduate students. Undergraduate courses that I regularly teach include adolescent development and lifespan development. I also regularly teach graduate classes in theories of human development, adolescent development, and research methods.

Research Interests

My interests in adolescent development shape a research focus on intergenerational learning, autonomy, and psychosocial issues. My current direction of research allows for contextual assessments including families, cultures, and technology.


Teacher of the Year, 2012

Department of Family, Consumer, and Human Development

Teacher of the Year, 2005

Family, Consumer, and Human Development Department, Utah State University

    Publications | Book Chapters

  • Beckert, T.E, (2016). Autonomy and its assessment: Encyclopedia of Adolescence. Springer International *
  • Tulane, S., Vaterlaus, J.M, Beckert, T.E, (2015). 'That is SO not True': Adolescent Perspectives of Adult Misconceptions of Teen Text Messaging: Technology and Youth: Growing Up in a Digital World . Sociological Studies of Children & Youth
  • Beckert, T.E, (2012). Autonomy and Its Assessment: Encyclopedia of Adolescence. Springer

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Journal Articles

Academic Journal

  • Tulane, S., Beckert, T.E, (2023). A Qualitative Examination of Graduate Instructor Training and Perceptions of Preparedness to Teach. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 34:1
  • Meter, D., Beckert, T.E, Ross, B., Phillips, A., (2021). Social cognitive factors associated with sharing overt and relational cyberaggression digitally. . International Journal of Bullying Prevention3, 147-158. doi:
  • Maxey, M., Beckert, T.E, (2017). Adolescents with Disabilities. Adolescent Research Review, 2:2, 59-75. doi: DOI 10.1007/s40894-016-0043-y
  • Vaterlaus, J.M, Beckert, T.E, Bird, C., (2015). “At a certain age it’s not appropriate to monitor one’s child”: Perceptions of parental mediation of emerging adult interactive technology use.. Emerging Adulthood, 3:5, 353-358. doi: 10.1177/2167696815581277
  • Beckert, T.E, Lee, C., Ota, C., (2015). Correlates of psychosocial development for Taiwanese youth. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 46:6, 837-855. doi: doi:10.1177/0022022115583896
  • Beckert, T.E, Lee, C., Ota, C., Correlates of Psychosocial Development for Taiwanese Youth. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology/Sage
  • Vaterlaus, M., Beckert, T.E, Bird, C., (2015). “At a certain age it’s not appropriate to monitor one’s child”: Perceptions of parental mediation of emerging adult interactive technology use. Emerging Adulthood, 3:5, 353-358. doi: 10.1177/2167696815581277
  • Tulane, S., Vaterlaus, J.M, Beckert, T.E, (2014). ‘An A in their social lives, but an F in school’: Adolescent perceptions of texting in school. Youth & Society
  • Vaterlaus, J.M, Beckert, T.E, Tulane, S., Bird, C.V, (2014). "They always ask what I'm doing and who I'm talking to": Parental mediation of adolescent interactive technology use.. Marriage and Family Review
  • Tulane, S., Beckert, T.E, (2013). Perceptions of Texting: A Comparison of Female High School and College Students . North American Journal of Psychology, 15:2, 395-404.
  • Vaterlaus, J.M, Beckert, T.E, Fauth, E.B, Teemant, B., (2013). An examination of the influence of clicker technology on college student involvement and recall. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education., 24:3, 293-300.
  • Beckert, T.E, Lee, C., Vaterlaus, J.M, (2012). Differences in adolescent cognitive autonomy with Caucasians and Taiwanese. Survey of Research-Method and Application, 28, 7-45.
  • Strom, P., Strom, R., Wingate, J., Kraska, M., Beckert, T.E, (2012). Cyberbullying: Assessment of Student Experience for Continuous Improvement Planning. National Association of Secondary School Principals, 96:2, 137-153. doi: 10.1177/0192636512443281
  • Allgood, S.M, Beckert, T.E, Petersen, C., (2012). The Role of Father Involvement in the Perceived Psychological Well-Being of Young Adult Daughters: A Retrospective Study. North American Journal of Psychology, 14:1, 95-110.
  • Lee, C., Beckert, T.E, (2012). Taiwanese adolescent cognitive autonomy and identity development in urban and rural areas: The relationship of situational and agential factors. International Journal of Psychology, 47:1, 39-50. doi: 10.1080/00207594.201.572972
  • Strom, P., Strom, R., Walker, J., Sindell-Arrington, T., Beckert, T.E, (2011). Adolescent Bullies on the Cyber Island. National Association of Secondary School Principals, 95:3, 193-209. doi: 10.1177/0192636511418641
  • Strom, P., Strom, R., Beckert, T.E, (2011). Examining stakeholder expectations for guiding school reform: Including students. American Secondary Education, 39:3, 5-16.
  • Tulane, S., Beckert, T.E, (2011). Perceived Effectiveness of Graduate Teaching Assistants. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 11:4, 44-55.
  • Lee, C., Beckert, T.E, (2011). The impact of marital discord of parents on Taiwanese adolescents’ academic achievement: The mediating and moderating effects of maternal parenting practices. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 42:6, 827-850.
  • Beckert, T.E, Fauth, E.B, Olsen, K.M, (2009). Clicker satisfaction for students in human development: Differences for class type, prior exposure, and student talkativity. North American Journal of Psychology, 11:3, 599-612.
  • Strom, R., Strom, P., Beckert, T.E, (2008). Comparing Black, Hispanic, and White Mothers with a National Standard of Parenting. Adolescence, 43, 525-545.
  • Beckert, T.E, Strom, R., Strom, P., Weed, A., Darre, K., (2008). Single Mothers of Early Adolescents: Perceptions of Competence. Adolescence, 43:170, 275-290.
  • Strom, R., Lee, T., Strom, P., Nakagawa, K., Beckert, T.E, (2008). Taiwanese grandmothers: Strengths and learning needs as perceived by grandmothers, mothers, and granddaughters. , 34:9, 812-830.
  • Beckert, T.E, Strom, P., Strom, R., (2007). Adolescent Perceptions of Mothers’ Parenting Strengths and Needs: A Cross-Cultural Approach to Curriculum Development for Parent Education. Adolescence, 42:167, 487-500.
  • Beckert, T.E, (2007). Cognitive Autonomy and Self-Evaluation in Adolescence: A Conceptual Investigation and Instrument Development. North American Journal of Psychology, 9:3, 579-594.
  • Beckert, T.E, Strom, P., Strom, R., Yang, C., Singh, A., (2007). Parent Success Indicator: Cross-Cultural Development and Factorial Validation. Journal of Educational and Psychological Measurement, 67:2, 311-327.
  • Beckert, T.E, Strom, P., Strom, R., (2007). Parenting Strengths and Needs: A Cross-Cultural Approach to Curriculum Development for Parent Education. Adolescence, 42
  • Beckert, T.E, Strom, R., Strom, P., (2006). Black and White Fathers of Early Adolescents: A Cross-Cultural Approach to Curriculum Development for Parent Education. North American Journal of Psychology, 8:3, 455-469.
  • Beckert, T.E, Strom, P., Strom, R., Yang, C., Shen, y., (2006). Success of Taiwanese Fathers in Guiding Adolescents. Adolescence, 41, 493-509.
  • Beckert, T.E, Strom, P., Strom, R., Yang, C., Shen, Y., (2005). The Success of Taiwanese Mothers in Guiding Adolescents. Adolescence, 40
  • Beckert, T.E, Strom, P., Strom, r., Yang, C., Shen, Y., (2005). The Success of Taiwanese Mothers in Guiding Adolescents. Adolescence, 40, 475-488.
  • Strom, R., Strom, P., Strom, S., Shun, Y., Beckert, T.E, (2004). Black, Hispanic and White American Mothers of Adolescents: Construction of a National Standard. Adolescence, 39, 669-686.
  • Beckert, T.E, Strom, P., Strom, R., Yang, C., Huang, N., Lin, Y., (2004). Parent Expectations of Young Children in Taiwan. Early Childhood Research and Practice, 6:2, 25-39.
  • Strom, P., Van Marche, D., Beckert, T.E, Strom, R., Strom, S., Griswold, D., (2003). The Success of Caucasian Mothers in Guiding Adolescents. Adolescence, 38, 501-518.
  • Strom, R., Dorman, J., Strom, P., Griswold, D., Beckert, T.E, Strom, S., Moore, E., Nakagawa, K., (2002). African-American Mothers of Early Adolescents: Perceptions of Two Generations. Youth and Society, 33:3, 394-417.
  • Strom, R., Beckert, T.E, Strom, P., Strom, S., Griswold, D., (2002). Evaluating the Success of Caucasian Fathers in Guiding Adolescents.. Adolescence, 37, 131-149.
  • Strom, R., Dohrmann, J., Strom, P., Griswold, D., Beckert, T.E, Strom, S., (2001). African American Mothers of Adolescents. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 28, 1-17.
  • Strom, R., Dorman, J., Strom, P., Griswold, D., Beckert, T.E, Strom, S., (2001). Maternal Guidance of Adolescents: An African-American Perspective. Journal of Family Studies, 7, 189-207.
  • Strom, R., Amukamara, H., Strom, P., Beckert, T.E, Strom, S., Griswold, D., (2001). Strengths and Learning Needs of African American fathers. Journal of Family Studies, 7, 40-55.
  • Strom, R., Amukamara, H., Strom, S., Beckert, T.E, Moore, E., Strom, P., Grizwold, D., (2000). African American Fathers: Perceptions of Two Generations. Journal of Adolescence, 23:4, 513-516.
  • Strom, R., Amukamara, H., Strom, S., Beckert, T.E, Strom, P., Griswold, D., (2000). Parenting Success of African American Fathers. Journal of Research and Development in Education, 33, 257-267.
  • Strom, R., Beckert, T.E, Strom, S., Moore, E., Strom, P., Griswold, D., (1999). Adolescent and Parent Perceptions of Father Success. International Journal of Educational Research,, 36, 19-36.
  • Strom, R., Beckert, T.E, Strom, S., (1996). Determining the Success of Grandparent Education. Educational Gerontology, 22:7, 637-649.

Professional Journal

  • Lee, C., Beckert, T.E, Goodrich, T., (2010). The Relationship between Individualistic, Collectivistic, and Transitional Cultural Value Orientation on Adolescents’ Autonomy and Identity Status. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 39:8, 882-893. doi: 0.1007/s10964- 009-9430-z
  • Strom, P., Strom, R., Wing, C., Beckert, T.E, (2009). Adolescent Learning and the Internet: Implications for School Leadership and Student Engagement in Learning. National Association of Secondary School Principals, 93:2, 111-121.
  • Beckert, T.E, (2005). Fostering Autonomy in Adolescents: A Model of Cognitive Autonomy and Self-Evaluation. American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences Perspectives, 8, 1-21. *

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Other

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.


HDFS 6961 - HDFS Teaching Assistantship Orientation, Fall 2023
HDFS 6060 - Human Development Theories, Fall 2023
HDFS 3570 - Youth and Adolescence, Fall 2023
HDFS 3570 - Youth and Adolescence, Summer 2023
HDFS 7080 - Professional Development, Spring 2023
HDFS 3570 - Youth and Adolescence, Spring 2023
HDFS 6961 - HDFS Teaching Assistantship Orientation, Fall 2022
HDFS 6060 - Human Development Theories, Fall 2022
HDFS 3570 - Youth and Adolescence, Fall 2022
HDFS 3570 - Youth and Adolescence, Summer 2022
HDFS 6530, 7530 - Development in Adolescence, Spring 2022
HDFS 3570 - Youth and Adolescence, Spring 2022
HDFS 6961 - HDFS Teaching Assistantship Orientation, Fall 2021
HDFS 6060 - Human Development Theories, Fall 2021
HDFS 3570 - Youth and Adolescence, Fall 2021
HDFS 3570 - Youth and Adolescence, Summer 2021
HDFS 7060 - Research/Theory Human Development, Spring 2021
HDFS 3570 - Youth and Adolescence, Spring 2021
HDFS 6961 - HDFS Teaching Assistantship Orientation, Fall 2020
HDFS 6060 - Human Development Theories, Fall 2020
HDFS 3570 - Youth and Adolescence, Fall 2020
HDFS 3570 - Youth and Adolescence, Summer 2020
HDFS 6530, 7530 - Development in Adolescence, Spring 2020
HDFS 3570 - Youth and Adolescence, Spring 2020
HDFS 7990 - Continuing Graduate Advisement, Fall 2019
HDFS 6961 - HDFS Teaching Assistantship Orientation, Fall 2019
HDFS 6060 - Human Development Theories, Fall 2019
HDFS 3570 - Youth and Adolescence, Fall 2019
HDFS 3570 - Youth and Adolescence, Fall 2019
HDFS 3570 - Youth and Adolescence, Summer 2019
HDFS 7980 - Advanced Graduate Practicum, Spring 2019
HDFS 7060 - Research/Theory Human Development, Spring 2019
HDFS 3570 - Youth and Adolescence, Spring 2019
, Fall 2018
HDFS 6961 - HDFS Teaching Assistantship Orientation, Fall 2018
HDFS 6060 - Human Development Theories, Fall 2018
HDFS 6960 - Readings/Conference, Fall 2018
HDFS 7960 - Readings/Conference, Fall 2018
HDFS 3570 - Youth and Adolescence, Fall 2018
HDFS 3570 - Youth and Adolescence, Fall 2018
HDFS 3570 - Youth and Adolescence, Summer 2018
FCHD 7980 - Advanced Graduate Practicum, Spring 2018
FCHD 3570 - Youth and Adolescence, Spring 2018
FCHD 7980 - Advanced Graduate Practicum, Fall 2017
FCHD 7530 - Development in Adolescence, Fall 2017
FCHD 6961 - FCHD Teaching Assistantship Orientation, Fall 2017
FCHD 6060 - Human Development Theories, Fall 2017
FCHD 3570 - Youth and Adolescence, Fall 2017
FCHD 3570 - Youth and Adolescence, Summer 2017
FCHD 7980 - Advanced Graduate Practicum, Spring 2017
FCHD 7060 - Research/Theory Human Development, Spring 2017
FCHD 3570 - Youth and Adolescence, Spring 2017
FCHD 3570 - Youth and Adolescence, Spring 2017
FCHD 7980 - Advanced Graduate Practicum, Fall 2016
FCHD 6060 - Human Development Theories, Fall 2016
FCHD 3570 - Youth and Adolescence, Fall 2016
FCHD 3570 - Youth and Adolescence, Fall 2016
FCHD 6980 - Graduate Practicum, Summer 2016
FCHD 3570 - Youth and Adolescence, Summer 2016
FCHD 6530, 7530 - Development in Adolescence, Fall 2015
FCHD 6060 - Human Development Theories, Fall 2015
FCHD 6900 - Topical Seminar in Family, Consumer, and Human Development, Fall 2015
FCHD 3570 - Youth and Adolescence, Fall 2015
FCHD 3570 - Youth and Adolescence, Summer 2015
FCHD 4400 - Research Practicum in FCHD, Spring 2015
FCHD 7060 - Research/Theory Human Development, Spring 2015
FCHD 3570 - Youth and Adolescence, Spring 2015
FCHD 6060 - Human Development Theories, Fall 2014
FCHD 3570 - Youth and Adolescence, Fall 2014
FCHD 3570 - Youth and Adolescence, Fall 2014
FCHD 6900 - Topical Seminar in Family, Consumer, and Human Development, Summer 2014
FCHD 3570 - Youth and Adolescence, Summer 2014
EDUC,PSY 6570 - Introduction to Educational and Psychological Research, Spring 2014
FCHD 4400 - Research Practicum in FCHD, Spring 2014
FCHD 3570 - Youth and Adolescence, Spring 2014
FCHD 6530,7530 - Development in Adolescence, Fall 2013
FCHD 3570 - Youth and Adolescence, Fall 2013
FCHD 3570 - Youth and Adolescence, Fall 2013
FCHD 3530 - Adolescence, Summer 2013
FCHD 3530 - Adolescence, Spring 2013
FCHD 7060 - Research/Theory Human Development, Spring 2013
FCHD 3530 - Adolescence, Fall 2012
FCHD 3530 - Adolescence, Fall 2012
FCHD 6060 - Human Development Theories, Fall 2012
FCHD 3530 - Adolescence, Summer 2012
FCHD 3530 - Adolescence, Spring 2012
FCHD 6530 - Development in Adolescence, Spring 2012
FCHD 7530 - Development in Adolescence, Spring 2012
FCHD 3530 - Adolescence, Fall 2011
FCHD 3530 - Adolescence, Fall 2011
FCHD 6060 - Human Development Theories, Fall 2011
FCHD 3530 - Adolescence, Summer 2011
FCHD 3530 - ADOLESCENCE, Spring 2011
FCHD 6030 - RESEARCH METHODS, Spring 2011
FCHD 6020 - SURVEY: HUMAN DEV, Spring 2011
FCHD 3530 - Adolescence, Fall 2010
FCHD 3530 - Adolescence, Fall 2010
FCHD 3530 - Adolescence, Fall 2010
FCHD 3530 - Adolescence, Fall 2010
FCHD 3530 - Adolescence, Fall 2010
FCHD 3530 - Adolescence, Fall 2010
FCHD 3530 - Adolescence, Fall 2010
FCHD 3530 - Adolescence, Fall 2010
FCHD 3530 - Adolescence, Fall 2010
FCHD 3530 - Adolescence, Fall 2010
FCHD 3530 - Adolescence, Fall 2010
FCHD 6060 - Human Development Theories, Fall 2010
FCHD 6060 - Human Development Theories, Fall 2010
FCHD 6060 - Human Development Theories, Fall 2010
FCHD 6060 - Human Development Theories, Fall 2010

Graduate Students Mentored

Shailey Woodward, Human Devt. and Family Studies, August 2020
Mark Ferguson, Human Devt. and Family Studies, May 2015
Jesse Higgins, Human Devt. and Family Studies, August 2014
Myles Maxey, Human Devt. and Family Studies, August 2014
Andy Harris, Human Devt. and Family Studies, August 2015 - July 2020
Mitchell Rhodes, Human Devt. and Family Studies, August 2014 - April 2020
Crystal Hahn, Human Devt. and Family Studies, August 2014 - May 2016
Ryan Atwood, Human Devt. and Family Studies - May 2016
Tessa Cutler, Human Devt. and Family Studies 2014
Lauralee Lyons, Human Devt. and Family Studies, September 2011 - May 2013
Sarah Tulane, Human Devt. and Family Studies, August 2008 - May 2012
Derek Hoke, Human Devt. and Family Studies 2011
Chien-Ti Lee, Human Devt. and Family StudiesApril 2010
Elizabeth Davis, Human Devt. and Family Studies 2009
Sarah Tulane, Human Devt. and Family Studies 2009
Thane Goodrich, Human Devt. and Family StudiesMay 2009
Matt Reiser, Human Devt. and Family StudiesMay 2007
Ruth A. Thompson, Human Devt. and Family StudiesSeptember 2006
Tyler D. Patrick, Human Devt. and Family StudiesSeptember 2006
David Jones, Human Devt. and Family StudiesAugust 2006
Ane K. Weed, Human Devt. and Family StudiesJune 2006
Kathryn E. Darre, Human Devt. and Family StudiesMay 2006