Special Education and Secondary Education

Undergrad - Logan Campus

Students are studying with their teacher on a field trip.

About Special Education & Secondary Education

Students can combine a special education major with
secondaryeducation. If students combine the degree with secondaryeducation, they must apply for admission to both programs and apply to student teach in both programs.This degree can result in professional teaching licenses in both secondaryand special education.Students choose a teaching content area for secondary education.

Approved Majors and Teaching Composites (PDF from TEAL).

The combined programs with Secondary Education are only offered on the Logan Main Campus.


Degree Maps

Special Education and Secondary Education Options

Special Education: Mild/Moderate Emphasis/Secondary Education Dual - BA, BS

Special Education: Severe Emphasis/Secondary Education Dual - BA, BS

Students interested in combined programs should make an appointment with a Special Education advisor or a TEAL advisor.


Contact Information

Laura Parrish

Laura Parrish

Special Education Advisor

Special Education and Rehabilitation Counseling

Phone: 435-797-7575
Office Location: EDUC 371