Masters of Education
Electives (12 credits)
All master's students are required to enroll in courses that support their area(s) of interest. Courses may either be taken in the Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation Counseling or in other departments.
Note: To accomplish this goal, master’s students should identify their interests and then, while working with their advisor, carefully identify courses to explore their interests.
Coursework taken post bachelors degree can be applied from licensure or endorsement areas such as:
Early Childhood
English as a Second Language
Severe Disabilities
Administrative/ Supervisory
Dual Sensory Impairments
Coursework can be applied from a single program or accrued across departments such as:
Note: The rationale for offering credit in supporting areas is to provide students with the opportunity to identify and cultivate expertise in specific area(s) of study. To accomplish this goal master's students should identify their interests and then with their advisor carefully identify courses to explore their interests.
Master's Program Elective Course Credit Policy
Twelve of the 36 credits associated with the Distance Master's degree program in Special Education are elective credits. The criteria used to determine if a course qualifies for elective credit are
(a) the course number is 5000 level or above, and
(b) the course is educationally relevant based on the judgement of the Department Master’s Faculty Committee.
Elective course credits apply only to the Master’s Special Education Program, not the M.Ed. Transition Concentration, M.S. degree, or the Applied Behavior Analysis program.
In addition, no more than six elective credits may come from nontraditional courses, (e.g., workshops, conferences, institutes, PBS, UEN, KUED). All nontraditional courses must be graded and be affiliated with a university graduate program. Finally, all nontraditional courses must be pre-approved by a students' graduate committee to determine if the course qualifies for elective credit.
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