Undergraduate Awards

Each year, the Psychology Department takes the time to appreciate and recognize the outstanding achievements of undergraduate students in various categories. This is an excellent opportunity to showcase their hard work, dedication, and commitment to excellence.

EEJ CEHS Scholar of the Year 


- The nominee should be receiving a bachelor’s degree at this year’s commencement exercises.
- The awardee must be a psychology major.


Submission Materials 

Department Review Process 

Each committee member will score each applicant on a 1-5 scale for each of the following:

The student with the highest score will be recognized at the department level, and materials will be submitted to the college for college-level review for college-wide recognition as CEHS Scholar of the Year Award; the college awardee is submitted for consideration as the university-level awardee (Robins Awards).


EEJ CEHS Outstanding Teaching Apprentice


- The awardee must be a psychology major.


Submission Materials 

Department Review Process

Each committee member will score each applicant on a 1-5 scale for each of the following:

The student with the highest score will be recognized at the department level, and materials will be submitted to the college for college-level review for college-wide recognition as EEJ CEHS Undergraduate Student Researcher of the Year Award and submission to the provost's office for review for USU-wide recognition.



Outstanding Undergraduate Students 

There will be a maximum of three awards in this category: Outstanding Senior, Outstanding Junior, and Outstanding Statewide Student. Students may not receive multiple Outstanding Student awards in the same year.



- Demonstrate academic excellence and superior achievement in psychology-related work outside the classroom

Submission Materials 

Review Processes

Each committee member will score each applicant on a 1-5 scale for each of the following:

The committee will identify high scorers and make awards across the three categories: junior standing at the time of submission, senior standing at the time of submission, and statewide student at the time of submission.



Outstanding Service Award



Submission Materials 

Review Processes

Each committee member will score each applicant on a 1-5 scale for each of the following: