Undergraduate Program Overview

Three students enjoying studying on campus.

The Utah State Psychology Department is home to a thriving undergraduate major. While pursuing an undergraduate degree in psychology, you will gain skills in scientific and critical thinking, research, statistical reasoning, and writing. Our students gain knowledge in all aspects of the science of psychology: from behavior, to condition, to development, and EDI. Graduates from the psychology department are prepared for professions in mental health, research, education, and human service settings. The Department of Psychology at Utah State University is internationally known for its innovative research, teaching, and scholarship programs. We offer a dynamic major, minor, behavioral health minor, mental health advocacy and awareness minor, psychology teaching minor and an Honors Track in Psychology. Each one of our students leave USU with the tools, support system, and hands on experience needed to help them be successful in their future research and work in the field of psychology.

Coursework includes:

  • an introduction to psychology as major and profession
  • research methods
  • statistics
  • an undergraduate research core
  • a diversity and inclusivity core
  • a diverse set of electives and a capstone experience

Undergraduate Advisors

Becca Boman

Becca Boman

Undergraduate Student Advisor


Phone: 435-797-1456
Office Location: EDUC 475
Ben Elwood

Ben Elwood

Undergraduate Student Advisor


Phone: 435-797-0865
Office Location: EDUC 473
Tressa Haderlie

Tressa Haderlie

Undergraduate Student Advisor


Phone: 435-797-0097
Office Location: EDUC 477

Online Program

USU offers a psychology bachelors program that has 100% online curriculum allowing students the flexibility of completing classes wherever life takes you . Our online program helps students to reach both personal and professional goals through its compelling and comprehensive content. This program has been ranked as one of the top 10 online programs in the US with courses led by award-winning and nationally recognized leaders in the teaching of psychology. Online students have many of the same resources available to them as students attending in person classes. USU online Psychology bachelor’s degree will meet any prerequisites for careers, as well as prepare you for furthering your education with graduate school. For more information visit USU Online or reach out to your academic advisor.

On Campus Program

In Logan

The Utah State Psychology Department is committed to seeking and training diverse students and faculty has created a college wide focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Students from around the world have found a home and place of belonging in Logan, Utah. We are dedicated to facilitating student professional and academic growth as well as fostering a strong commitment to ethical practice in psychology. Being in person allows students to work with the faculty and peers within the psychology community to find opportunities to get involved and develop connections accelerate your career.

In Price

In the psychology programs at USU-Eastern, you will have direct in-person access to two faculty member and the remote and online access to everything that the major offers. This program offers the best of both worlds with some flexibility with remote learning and one on one in person guidance from professionals in the field of psychology.