Daniel Piper

Professional Practice Assistant Instructor & Faculty Advocate

Daniel Piper

Contact Information

Office Location: EDUC 495
Email: daniel.piper@usu.edu


I am currently a Professional Practice Assistant Instructor in the Psychology Department as well as the Faculty Advocate in the Mentoring & Encouraging Student Academic Success (MESAS) program at Utah State University. In this role, I support Indigenous students in their educational trajectories at the USU Logan campus. In my professional experience, I have worked as a Title VI Indian Education program coordinator, as a co-teacher in Navajo language enrichment programs, and in higher education initiatives designed to support Native American students. These experiences have all informed my orientation as an educator as well as a researcher working with and for Indigenous communities. I will receive my PhD in Language, Culture, and Curriculum from the Department of Education, Culture, and Society at the University of Utah in the Fall of 2020. My research focuses on school-based Native American language revitalization, Native American education policy, and the impact of Indigenous language and culture based education on students and families. In addition, the role of such efforts in expanding the educational sovereignty of Native nations.