Miriam Mukasa


Graduate Student - Combined Clinical/Counseling Psychology

Miriam Mukasa

Contact Information

Email: A02363101@usu.edu


I am a doctoral student in the Combined Clinical and Counseling Psychology spcialization at USU. I received my bachelor’s degree in psychology from Southeastern Louisiana University and my master’s degree in ABA Psychology from the University of Southern California. I have worked at First Steps for Kids Inc. and gained clinical experience working as a behavioral therapist implementing evidence-based interventions to children with developmental disabilities ranging from 3 to 15 years of age. Prior to that I worked with Washington University in St. Louis’ ICHAD organization where I earned research experience. During my work there, as the head of operations, I conducted multiple NIH research funded projects that worked with vulnerable populations in Uganda such as orphaned and HIV positive children. My work there birthed my research interests. Working with Dr. Michael Levin, I am interested in using technology to increase access to mental health services in limited resource communities, implementing acceptance and commitment therapy interventions for depression, and promotion of coping mechanisms among those living with and providing care to individuals with chronic illnesses. Outside of my work, I enjoy spending time with my family, dancing, and a good story either a movie or a book.