Maggie Chan


Assistant Professor - School Psychology Specialization

Maggie  Chan

Contact Information

Office Location: EDUC 420
Additional Information:


I received my Ph.D. in Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology combined program from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and completed a predoctoral internship at the Hawaii Psychology Internship Consortium (APA Accredited). My over-arching research goal is to promote children and youth’s social-emotional development and mental health, which I believe happens when they are in a nurturing and accepting setting. Thus, I have been passionate about building an equitable, inclusive, and welcoming school environment for students and school staff, particularly those from marginalized backgrounds. My research questions ask about what contextual (e.g., school diversity), sociocultural (e.g., social support), and intrapersonal (e.g., social-emotional skills) factors contribute to positive psychosocial development and educational experiences in school. Another line of my work centers on school-based mental health screening, aiming to improve the cultural responsiveness of screening tools and diminish inequity in mental health care. More information about my research can be found on my Google Scholar profile.