October 27, 2022

Dr. Michael Levin: Editor of the Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science

Dr. Michael Levin

Dr. Michael Levin, Professor and Director of Clinical training for the Utah State University Department of Psychology’s Combined Clinical/Counseling Ph.D. Specialization was appointed to serve in the position of Editor-in-Chief for the “Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science” (JCBS).

The JCBS is the official journal of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science that focuses on systematic and pragmatic approaches to better understand behavior and promote human growth and development. JCBS publishes on a wide range of topics relevant to Contextual Behavioral Science including Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Relational Frame Theory (RFT), mindfulness, self-compassion, Functional Analytic Psychotherapy, clinical trial research, translational research, philosophy of science, and basic behavioral and cognitive research.

Levin has been Editor-in-Chief since early 2020 and even in the midst of unprecedented times, the journal has made impressive strides. Over the last year there has been a 5.138 increase in the overall factor of the JCBS. This growth is up 66% from last years numbers in 2021. The journal has also jumped from 58th in the list of Clinical Psychology Journal ranking to number 28. This jump leads to more journal submissions and increased opportunity for growth.

“The most rewarding part of the journal is how I get to contribute and support the growth of Contextual Behavioral Science,” Levin says, “Including supporting earlier career researchers, promoting new initiatives and innovative areas of research, and expand the impact of the journal.”

Levin’s own research focuses on Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT). Through the USU ACT Research Group (UtahACT.com), which he co-directs with Dr. Michael Twohig, Levin conducts research evaluating ACT for a wide range of problem areas including depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive related disorders, weight-related concerns, and coping with chronic health conditions.