Nursing Program Bylaws

USU - Policy 6.6 Developed 1980

Policy and Procedure Revisions   85, 89, 10/90, 10/91, 5/93, 11/93, 10/94, 10/95, 11/96, 8/03, 10/03, 9/11, 5/22

­­­­­­SUBJECT: Student Organization By-Laws

Article I. Name

Utah State University Nursing Society.

Article II. Purpose

To promote the educational, professional and social well-being of the students in nursing.

To provide a means of dealing officially and effectively with matters pertaining to the welfare of the students in nursing.

To assist in the direction and promotion of school activities of the students.

To stimulate a spirit of cooperation between the faculty and students in nursing.

Article III. Membership:

Membership in the organization shall be the currently enrolled students in the nursing program.

Article IV. Officers and Elections:

Section 1.

Officers shall consist of:  President, Vice President, Secretary, and Class Representative.

Section 2.

Student officers shall be elected at a student meeting in the fall semester.
Elections will be by secret ballot and one member of the faculty or two members of the student body will act as tellers. In case of a tie another ballot will be cast for the office in which the tie occurred.

Section 3.

If any office shall become vacant another person shall be elected to fill the vacancy by the student members.

Article V. Governing Body:

Section 1.

The student organization officers, the Department Head, Director of Nursing, and faculty representatives shall be the governing body.

Section 2.

All student matters which affect the faculty should be discussed with the Department Head or Director.  The Department Head or Director will reserve the right to determine matters of discipline in individual cases or relative to the student organization if the occasion requires it.

Section 3.

The Department Head or Director and faculty representative will serve as the official representatives of the faculty in matters pertaining to the student organization.

Section 4.

The Department Head or Director and the faculty representatives do not vote but may express their opinions and delay action on an issue pending consultation with the rest of the faculty.

Section 5. Functions of the student organization officers


The student organization officers shall be responsible for the administration of the student organization.  The final legal authority in all matters relative to the school is vested in the Department Head or Director of the Nursing program.


The Nursing Society officers shall have the power to prepare laws on all matters within the jurisdiction of the student organization and with the approval of the Department Head or Director of the Nursing program, submit them to the Nursing Society for a vote.

Article VI. Quorum:

A quorum of all student officers must be present at meetings before enacting any business. When desired for a full membership vote, a quorum shall consist of two-thirds membership of the Nursing Society or two-thirds of the student officers, depending on the meeting.

Article VII. Meetings:

Section 1.

Student organization meetings shall be held monthly or whenever deemed necessary by student officers. The time and place being designated by student organization officers.

Section 2.

Student officers shall meet as often as necessary at the discretion of the President, who shall designate the time and place.

Article VIII. Duties of Class Officers:

Section 1. President shall:

Preside over student organization meetings.
Preside over student officer meetings.
Appoint special committees with the aid of class officers.
Call special meetings.
Perform any duties delegated to him/her by the Director. 

Section 2. Vice-President shall:

Preside at meetings when president is absent.
Perform duties delegated by President or Director.

Section 3. Secretary shall:

Keep full minutes of all meetings.

Read minutes of previous meetings at beginning of scheduled meeting.
Be responsible for all correspondence and preservation of records and papers pertaining to organization.
Keep an up-to-date ledger of finances of organization.

Section 4. Class Representative shall

Monitor and report payment of dues for representative class.
Coordinate the class photographers’ activities.
Keep representative class informed of meetings, actions, issues etc. and that impact the members.
Perform duties delegated by President.

Article IX. Dues

Dues are used for activities and special purchases for the student organization.