
Dates and Deadlines

Current Academic Calendar Find important dates and holidays for the current semester. Registrar's Office
Future Academic Calendars Follow the Registrar's Office link above and scroll to the bottom of the page. Then click the Academic Calendar link for the semester you're looking for.
Registration and Drop Deadlines Follow the Registrar's Office link above and scroll to the bottom of the page. Then click the Registration Calendar link for the semester you're looking for. Registration and drop dates can be found near the bottom of that page, under the header REGISTRATION.

ITLS Orientation

This one credit online asynchronous course is offered each semester and is required of all graduate students. You will learn how to be successful in the program and in your future careers while getting to know other students and faculty.

International students should check with the office of global engagement for additional requirements at the start of their programs.

students on campus gathered around laptop


Get hands-on experience and prepare for your career! After two or more semesters in your program, you’ll likely be ready to intern as an instructional technologist or learning scientist. Intuit has offered great internships for past students.

Student Projects

Build your portfolio with a creative project! You’ll apply your skills, develop a unique style, and get input from professionals along the way.

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Stay Connected


The Instructional Technology Student Association is free and all are welcome to participate! All ITLS students are automatically members. ITSA's mission is to create positive atmosphere wherein professional excellence and moral principles coexist. ITSA creates a great opportunity to network with fellow students, faculty, alumni, and potential employers. As members of ITSA, you also have free access to resources such as 3D Printers and laser cutters through the ITLS Design Lab.

Stay up to date with all of the departments activities, accomplishments, and job postings by following our various social media pages:


The USU Esports Club exists to give our gamers on campus a home to be and enjoy video games in both a casual and competitive environment. Esports is an emerging industry, and we hope to champion Utah State's support of the medium through competition and community.

Utah State University’s Department of Instructional Technology and Learning Sciences is a proud supporter of USU Esports through its provision of technology, gaming machines, scholarly expertise in gaming, and games-related academic curriculum customized for the needs and interests of both esports athletes and casual gamers. To learn more, visit the Esports Campus Rec page.

USU Esports Twitch USU Esports Discord

Server Space

Students may request server space for a personal website. Your account will remain active for up to one year after graduation. To connect to the server, you may use Fetch, Fugu, (Mac) or WinSCP (Windows). You can request server space by filling out the fields below:

laptop with code displaying on screen