Brian Phillips Ph.D.

Special Education and Rehabilitation Counseling

Associate Professor

Brian Phillips

Contact Information

Office Location: EDUC 318
Phone: 435-797-2381
Additional Information:

Educational Background

PhD, Rehabilitation Counselor Education, Michigan State University, 2011
Rehabilitation counseling professional associations: membership, membership intentions, and levels of commitment among rehabilitation counseling professionals.
MS, Rehabilitation Counseling, Utah State University, 2006
BS, Psychology, (Sociology), Utah State University, 2004
Licensed Professional Counselor - In Training, State of Wisconsin, Department of Safety and Professional Services, 2018
Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification, 2006


Brian N. Phillips, Ph.D., CRC, has been working in the field of rehabilitation counseling as a practitioner, supervisor, faculty, and researcher for over 20 years. He is experienced in applying both quantitative and qualitative methodologies to address the employment and participation needs of people with disabilities.

Teaching Interests

Dr. Phillips teaches a wide array of classes and enjoys teaching undergraduate, master's, and doctoral courses.

Research Interests

Dr. Phillips' research is focused on utilizing strength-based constructs to improve the employment and participation of people with disabilities, with a specialization in workplace social competence.

Publications | Journal Articles

Academic Journal

  • McKnight-Lizotte, M., Levine, A., Landon, T., Phillips, B., Sametz, R., Gerald, M.E, Richardson, T., (2023). Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to Understand Dispositional Gatekeeping Behaviors Among Rehabilitation Counselor Educators. Rehabilitation Counselors and Educators Journal, 12:2, doi:
  • Landon, T., Phillips, B.N, Kesselmayer, R.F, Bezyak, J.L, Dunlap, P.N, (2022). Addressing the sticky issue of how to consolidate rehabilitation counseling professional associations. Rehabilitation Counselors and Educators Journal, 11:2
  • Phillips, B.N, Walker, Q., Grenawalt, T.A, Dunlap, P., Bezyak, J.L, Anderson, C.A, Nerlich, A.P, Levine, A., (2022). Contemplating consolidation: Acting on a decades old call to survey professionals in the discipline. Rehabilitation Counselors and Educators Journal, 11:2
  • Brehmer, C.E, Rumrill, P., Strauser, D.G, Phillips, B., Kosciulek, J.F, Shen, S., (2022). Development and validation of the Illinois brief functioning inventory. Journal of Vocational RehabilitationPreprint, 1--11.
  • Brehmer, C.E, Strauser, D.R, Shen, S., Phillips, B.N, Kosciulek, J.F, Austin, B.S, (2022). Differential Effects of Functioning on the Career Development of Individuals with Disabilities. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin
  • Castruita Rios, Y., Umucu, E., Viramontes, R., Villegas, D., Phillips, B.N, Jung, J.A, Montuori, S.A, Zanskas, S.A, Tansey, T., (2022). Doctoral Dissertation Research in Rehabilitation Counseling: 2013. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin
  • O’Sullivan, D., Brehmer, C., Phillips, B.N, Hanna, J.L, Strauser, D.R, (2022). Measuring Parenting Practices Across Four Dimensions in Adults with Disabilities: Development of the Revised Affirmative to Problem Parenting Scale (R-APPS). Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 1--16.
  • Phillips, B.N, Gerald, M.E, Soldner, J., Reyes, A., Anderson, C.A, Pitt-Parker, J.S, (2022). Predicting membership in a consolidated association: If we build it, will they come?. Rehabilitation Counselors and Educators Journal, 11:2
  • Phillips, B.N, Boland, E.A, Edwards, Y.V, Zanskas, S.A, (2022). Prologue: The future of rehabilitation counseling professional associations. Rehabilitation Counselors and Educators Journal, 11:2
  • McKnight, M., Scheef, A.R, Levine, A., Thomas, F., Phillips, B.N, (2022). Secondary Special Educators’ Perceptions of Transition Collaboration With Vocational Rehabilitation. Rehabilitation Counselors and Educators Journal, 11:3
  • Nerlich, A.P, Levine, A., Smith, S.D, Anderson, C.A, Phillips, B.N, (2022). The pros and cons of consolidating rehabilitation counseling associations: A qualitative analysis of views from the field. Rehabilitation Counselors and Educators Journal, 11:2
  • Umucu, E., Chan, F., Phillips, B.N, Tansey, T.N, Berven, N., Hoyt, W.T, (2022). Evaluating optimism, hope, resilience, coping flexibility, secure attachment, and PERMA as a well-being model for college life adjustment of student veterans: A hierarchical regression analysis. .
  • Phillips, B.N, Fleming, A.R, Bean, B., Umucu, E., Lee, B., Roundtree, S., Grenawalt, T., (2022). Relations among gratitude, adaptation to disability, and flourishing among adults with disabilities: A longitudinal mediation model. . , 67:4, 546–555. doi:
  • Phillips, B.N, Fleming, A.R, Langone, A., Baldwin, M., Thompson, A., Riesen, T., Transition readiness toolkit: A collaborative effort to improve the efficacy of Pre-ETS services.. Journal of Rehabilitation Administratoin
  • Meulenbroek, P., O'Neil-Pirozzi, T.M, Sohlberg, M.M, Lemoncello, R., Byom, L., Ness, B., MacDonald, S., Phillips, B.N, (2022). Tutorial: The speech-language pathologist’s role in return to work for adults with traumatic brain injury. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology
  • Kesselmayer, R.F, Ochrach, C.M, Phillips, B.N, Mpofu, N., Chen, X., Lee, B., D., Tansey, T.N, Case study of an autism employment initiative in a global management consulting firm.. Human Resource Management Journal
  • Currier-Kipping, K., Lizotte, M., Phillips, B.N, Landon, T., Whicker, J.J, (2021). Exploring the knowledge, perceptions and practice patterns of school counselors regarding vocational rehabilitation for transition age youth with disabilities. . Journal of Rehabilitation, 87:3, 38-47.
  • Landon, T.J, Phillips, B., Nay, A., Connor, A., Reyes, A.R, Leavitt, J., (2021). Exploring the relationship between familiarity with the ICF and rehabilitation counselor confidence in facilitating workplace accommodations.. Rehabilitation Research, Policy, and Education, 35:2, 130-143. doi: 10.1891/re-19-27

Professional Journal

  • Landon, T.J, Phillips, B., McKnight, M., Sabella, S.A, Kline, K.M, The Impact of Organizational Factors and Professional Identity on Turn Over Intent in State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, doi:
  • Riesen, T.J, Remund, C., Byers, R., Phillips, B.N, (2022). A Survey of State Division of Rehabilitation Training Requirements for Providing Employment Supports to People with Disabilities. The Journal of Rehabilitation, 88:3, 20-25.
  • Strauser, R, Greco, C.E, Kosciulek, J.F, Shen, S., Strauser, D.G, Phillips, B.N, (2021). A tool to measure work adjustment in the post-pandemic economy: The Illinois work adjustment scale. . Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 54, 51-58.

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Technical Reports

Research Reports

    An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

    Publications | Other

    An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.


    REH 6100 - Professional Counseling Orientation, Fall 2023
    REH 7050 - Professional Issues in Rehabilitation Counselor Education, Fall 2023
    , Spring 2023
    SPED 1010 - Disability and Society, Spring 2023
    REH, SPED 1010 - Disability and Society (BSS), Spring 2023
    REH, SPED 7750 - Social and Legal Context of Disability, Fall 2022
    REH 6150 - Rehabilitation Services and Resources, Spring 2022
    REH 6100 - Professional Counseling Orientation, Fall 2021
    USU 1010 - University Connections, Fall 2021
    REH 6150 - Rehabilitation Services and Resources, Spring 2021
    SPED 7820 - Seminar: Special Topics, Spring 2021
    REH 6100 - Professional Counseling Orientation, Fall 2020
    SPED 7750 - Social and Legal Context of Disability, Fall 2020
    REH 6100 - Foundations of Rehabilitation Counseling, Fall 2019
    REH 6100 - Foundations of Rehabilitation Counseling, Fall 2019

    Graduate Students Mentored

    Crystal Emery, Special Education & Rehab, May 2021 - July 2022