Julia Lyman M. Ed.

Special Education and Rehabilitation Counseling

Project Coordinator

Julia Lyman

Contact Information

Office Location: EDUC 336
Phone: 435-797-7205
Email: julia.lyman@usu.edu
Additional Information:


  • Mild Moderate Disabilities
  • Student Teaching
  • Supervision
  • Recruitment


Julia Lyman is a Project Coordinator in the Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation at Utah State University.  She received her composite B.S. Degree in Special Education (Mild/Moderate Disabilities) and Elementary Education from Utah State University.  She continued her education at Utah State University earning her M.Ed. in Special Education. She taught in the public schools for 5 years before joining the faculty at Utah State.  She currently works with student teachers and practicum students in both on campus and in the distance program as well as recruiting future students for the Special Education program.  

She is the mother of a child with a significant disability and has experienced the family and parent side of special education.  Because of this experience she is even more passionate about training highly qualified special education teachers. She currently teaches SPED 5060 Consulting with Parents and Teachers.