- Poole, F. J., Clarke-Midura, J., Rasmussen, M., Shehzad, U., & Lee, V. R. (2021). Tabletop games designed to promote computational thinking. Computer Science Education, 1-28. Link.
- Vincent, H., Rogowski, A., Lee, V.R., & Recker, M. (2021, April). Learning to Facilitate Computer Programming Activities in Library Settings through Expansively-Framed Unplugged Computing. Paper presented at the Virtual Conference of the American Educational Research Association Conference.
- Lee, V., Rogowski, A., Shehzad, U., & Recker, M. (2021). Unplugged-to-Plugged Computer Science at the Library. Teacher Librarian, 48(3), 34-39. Link
- Vincent, H., Lee, V.R., Rogowski, A., & Recker, M., (2021, in press). Looming Code: A Model, Learning Activity, and Professional Development Approach for CS Educators. In C. Mouza, A. Yadav & A. Leftwich (Eds.). Professional Development for In-Service Teachers: Research and Practices in Computing Education. Information Age Publishing.
- Stephens, C., Lee, V., Clarke-Midura, J., & Recker, M. (2021). Expansive Framing and Collaborative Professional Development: Supporting Teacher Learning. In Proceedings of ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (pp. 1339-1339). New York: ACM.
- Stephens, C., Lee, V., Clarke-Midura, J., & Recker, M. (2021). Teacher Learning of Novel Computer Science Concepts and Practices: A Collaborative and Expansive Approach. In Proceedings of the International Society of the Learning Sciences Annual Meeting (pp. 243–250). International Society of the Learning Sciences. Link
- Stephens, C., Lauritsen, J., Lee, V.R., Clarke-Midura, J., & Recker, M. (2021, April). Elementary teachers’ curricular engagement during collaborative professional development: Supporting computer science learning and teaching. Paper presented at the Virtual Conference of the American Educational Research Association Conference.
- Lee, V.R., Poole, F., Clarke-Midura, J., & Recker, M. (2020). Design of an expansively-framed board game-based unit to introduce computer programming to upper elementary students. In Proceedings of The International Conference of the Learning Sciences (pp. 1727- 1728). International Society of the Learning Sciences.
- Rasmussen M., (2020, April). Computational Thinking and Social Dynamics in Sixth Grade Players of Coding Games. Paper presented at the USU Student Research Symposium, Logan, UT.
- Rasmussen M., Lauritsen J. (2020, March). Tabletop to Screens: Development of an "Unplugged-to-Plugged" Computer Science Curriculum. Poster session presented at National Conferences on Undergraduate Research (NCUR), Bozeman, MT.
- Rasmussan M., & Lauritsen, J.T. (March 2020). Expansion of Computer Science Curriculum with an “Unplugged to Plugged” Approach. Poster presented at National Conference of Undergraduate Research, Logan, UT.
- Lauritsen J.T., & Rasmussan, M. (February 2020). Expansion of Computer Science Curriculum with an “Unplugged to Plugged” Approach. Poster presented at Utah Conference of Undergraduate Research, Logan UT.
- Lee, V. R., Poole, F., Clarke-Midura, J., Recker, M., & Rasmussen, M. (2020). Introducing coding through tabletop board games and their digital instantiations across elementary classrooms and school libraries. In Proceedings of ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (pp. xxx). New York: ACM. DOI.
- Lee, V. R., Poole, F., Clarke-Midura, J., & Recker, M. (2020, June). Design of an expansively-framed board game-based unit to introduce computer programming to upper elementary students. Poster presented at the 2020 International Conference of the Learning Sciences, Nashville, TN.
- Lee, V. R., Poole, F., Rasmussen, M., Clarke-Midura, J., & Recker, M. (2020, April). Examining Variations in Teacher Talk when Implementing New Unplugged-to-plugged Computing Instruction. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Conference, San Francisco, CA.
- Lee, V. R. et al. (2019, February). TableTop Board Games to Screens. Poster presented at ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Minneapolis, MN.

US National Science Foundation
Grant No. DRL-1837224