

  • Clarke-Midura, J., Sun, C., Pantic, K., Poole, F., & Allan, V. (2019). Using Informed Design in Informal Computer Science Programs to Increase Youths’ Interest, Self-efficacy, and Perceptions of Parental Support. ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE), 19 (4), 1-12 (Article 37), doi: 10.11453319445
  • Pantic, K., & Clarke-Midura, J. (2019). Factors that influence retention of women in the Computer Science major: A systematic literature review. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 25(2), 119-145. doi: 10.1615/JWomenMinorScienEng.2019024384
  • Pantic, K., Clarke-Midura, J., Poole, F., Roller, J., & Allan V. (2018). Drawing a Computer Scientist: Stereotypical Representations or Lack of Awareness? Computer Science Education Journal, 28, 3. doi: 10.108008993408.2018.1533780
  • Clarke-Midura, J., Poole, F., Pantic, K., Sun, C., & Allan, V. (2018). How Mother and Father Support Affect Youths’ Interest in Computer Science. In Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research (ICER ’18). ACM, Espoo, Finland, 215-222.
  • Clarke-Midura, J., Poole, F., Pantic, K., Hamilton, M., Sun, C., & Allan, V. (2018). How Near Peer Mentoring Affects Middle School Mentees. In Proceedings of the 49th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE ’18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 664-669.
    Award: Second best paper (CS Education tract, SIGCSE)
  • Clarke-Midura, J., Poole, F., Pantic, K., & Allan, V. (2017). Playing mentor: A strategy for recruiting young women into Computer Science. Journal for Women and Minorities in Science and Education,23(3).
  • Clarke-Midura, J., Allan, V., & Close, K. 2016. Investigating the Role of Being a Mentor as a Way of Increasing Interest in CS. In Proceedings of the 47th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education (pp. 297-302). ACM.

In Progress

  • Under Review – Clarke-Midura, J., Pantic, K., Poole, F., Allan, V., Dorward, J. Benefits of near-peer mentoring for females in computer programming: A Three-Tier Model, Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning
  • Under Review –Clarke-Midura, J & Poole, F. Conceptualizing student perceptions of computer scientist from an imagined communities’ framework: A keyword analysis.
  • Under Review – Pantic, K., & Clarke-Midura, J. By Design: Addressing Barriers of Non-Participation in CS for Girls from Low Socioeconomic Backgrounds. International Journal of Multicultural Education
  • In preparation – Clarke-Midura, J., Hamilton, M. M., Pantic, K., Sun, V., Chauhan, A., & Allan, V. The Metamorphosis of Mentoring: From Trainee to Mentor
  • Under Review – Sun, C., & Clarke-Midura, J. Testing the Efficacy of a Near-Peer Mentoring Model for Recruiting Youth into Computer Science. AERA 2019.