Sheri Haderlie

Senior Lecturer Emeritus

Sheri Haderlie

Contact Information

Office Hours: By Appointment
Phone: (435) 764-8764
Additional Information:

Educational Background

PhD. Instructional Technology, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, 2001

MEd. Adult, Community, & Higher Education Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana, 1992

B.S. Home Economics Education, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana, 1981


Sheri Haderlie loves to connect with her students and watch them grow in their field. Alumni who see her years later are always amazed that she immediately remembers their names.

Sheri came to USU as a student in 1993 and was hired right after she completed her PhD. Since then, she has played a key role in designing the curriculum and the ITLS programs. She loves meeting new students and helping them find their way through the ITLS graduate program. Growing up, she moved around every two years, so she’s great at meeting people! Her history with the program means that she can offer a wealth of knowledge to ITLS students.

Sheri loves designing the curriculum. She enjoys digging into the question about what students in the ITLS program should learn and she brings her academic depth of knowledge to this work. She sees the big picture naturally. As part of the Curriculum Committee, she looks at how course details fit within the big picture. She wants to make sure the program as a whole is well-designed.

Sheri works one-on-one with incoming students and, for many of them, serves as their main advisor. In her spare time, she is a textile lover who feeds the need through quilting.

Featured Work

graduate advising

Graduate Advising

As graduate advisor, Sheri serves as ITLS students’ first contact in the program. She works directly with students to help give them focus, direction, and options for their time at ITLS. She also helps students plan their move into their future careers. Students can stay with Sheri full time or choose another faculty advisor*.

*Kristy Bloxham works with the MA students.

graduate orientation program

Graduate Orientation Program

Sheri looked at long-distance learning programs around the country and discovered that one of the keys to success was in-person orientation. She spearheaded the ITLS department’s in-person orientation. At orientation, students meet in person, learn how to navigate the program, and get a sense of what it means to be a grad student at USU. Students also have the option to participate in a ropes-course style bonding experience. See more at:

Logan library logo

Board member for the Logan Library Board

Logan City has been investigating building a new library for several years. Sheri is involved in ideating what a new library should look like and what resources should be involved. This experience connects her to the broader field of libraries and expands her understanding from academic libraries to public libraries. See for more information.

itls bachelor’s program development

ITLS Bachelor’s Program Development

Along with Kristy Bloxham and Andrew Walker, Sheri developed the ITLS Bachelor’s Program. Sheri was excited to broaden the level at which this curriculum will be available to students. More and more companies are moving to Utah and looking for capable people to employ. This program prepares undergraduate students for the field.

Faculty Curriculum Committee Chair

Sheri has served on the committee for more than 10 years. As chair, she helps the faculty see the important topics that need to be covered and coordinates ITLS courses to limit redundancy. Sheri’s work includes interviewing students and professionals to make sure our curriculum design aligns with the needs of the field.

Work Focus

Sheri has been highly involved in launching the new Bachelor’s program, from program design to managing approvals. She is working on designing the courses and finding instructors. She carries a workload of both instruction and administrative roles.

  • Senior Lecturer
  • Graduate Advisor
  • Curriculum Committee Chair