March 24, 2022
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ITLS students to present at Student Research Symposium

The Office of Research will be hosting the Student ResearchSymposium on April 12-13th. Our students will be presenting on April 12th from 1:00-3:00pm. You can attend in the Merril-Cazier Library or online. Come and show support for your peers—you won’t want to miss this opportunity. The following is a list of students presenting and their topics. 

Siyu Wu - Investigating student learning about disease spread and prevention in the context of agent-based computational modeling. 
Daelynn Hunter - Esports course design: balancing multiplayer gameplay within a structured curriculum. 
Prasina Parameswaran - Curricular adaptations by paraprofessionals during their computer lab instruction using block-based coding. 
Treion Muller - The 6 levels of gamification: introducing a new organizational structure to game-based learning.
Bonni Jones - I'm telling you; it just won’t work. 
Kyle Lam - Do video lectures with reduced extraneous load benefit students of SQL programming? 
Aubrey Rogowski - Computational thinking and professional learning for paraprofessionals. 

Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to learn about these subjects. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.