2022 Faculty Awards
We are excited to announce this year's faculty awards for the following areas: Faculty Researcher of the Year, Graduate Mentor of the Year, Faculty University Service, and Faculty Teacher of the Year. Congratulations to all the awardees!
Faculty Researcher of the Year - David Feldon
For outstanding research and scholarly contributions within the last five years.
David Feldon’s research agenda identifies mechanisms of learning that facilitate the equitable development of expertise across academic and professional contexts. In pursuit of this agenda, Dr. Feldon’s research has been groundbreaking in multiple fields, with deeply impactful contributions in the core areas of learning, graduate education, and mixed methodologies. A conscientious mentor, he has a career-long history of continuous external funding for research and of mentoring students, postdocs, and junior faculty both formally and informally.
Graduate Mentor of the Year - Kristin Searle
For excellence in mentoring graduate students to prepare them for productive careers.
Dr. Kristin Searle’s mentoring philosophy flows from her own background as an anthropologist and learning scientist. She believes that learning is culturally patterned, and that knowledge is socially constructed through engagement with others and through the production of physical artifacts. As a result, her approach to mentoring is grounded in the belief that each individual student arrives with distinct background knowledge and learning preferences.
Faculty University Service - Breanne Litts
For outstanding leadership and excellent service to the university.
Breanne Litts has core values that infuse her service to the university: reciprocity, equity, inclusion, and justice. These values drive her daily work in serving and mentoring students, supporting diversity and equity initiatives, and facilitating ethical research. Some highlights of her service include work in in the undergraduate Honors Program, the undergraduate research fellowship program, and the NASMP and MESAS programs, which serve Native students statewide. Litts also chairs the ITLS department's diversity, equity, and inclusion working group.
Faculty Teacher of the Year - Lisa Lundgren
For outstanding performance in the areas of teaching and learning.
Lisa Lundgren has an amazing reputation for teaching among not only students, but also faculty in ITLS. Her students speak frequently about her impact and how much she cares about them. Lundgren teaches Learning Theory and Information and Media Literacy, bringing her expertise from learning sciences and science in media (including Comic Cons!) to her creative teaching.