October 12, 2020

ITLS Spotlight: Lyndsie Oreno

lyndsie oreno headshot
ITSA Bachelor's Vice President - Lyndsie Oreno

Lyndsie Oreno is the newest council member of the Instructional Technology Student Association (ITSA). As ITSA Bachelor’s Vice President, she will represent the interests and needs of students in the Human Experience Design and Interaction (HEDI) undergraduate program.

Before coming to USU in pursuit of her Bachelor’s degree, Oreno was working as a project coordinator and administrative assistant at a small company. With the company only being comprised of the president, a graphic designer, and herself, Oreno fulfilled a variety of roles encompassing many different responsibilities.

One day, Oreno mentioned to her employer her desire to return to school to complete a Bachelor’s degree. Her employer encouraged her to do so and offered to help her finish her education.

“When she told me that, I dove right in, researching schools and completing student aid, as well as researching degree options,” said Oreno. “I've always had a love for design, writing, and marketing, and I was looking for something that could satisfy all of my passions. When I read about the HEDI degree, it gave me chills. It was perfect!”

Returning to school opened new doors for experiences Oreno hadn’t had in her previous education. “When I was getting my Associate's, I never got involved,” she said. “I had a lot of fear and anxiety when it came to socializing. With this new opportunity to return to school, I knew that I didn't want mediocrity; I wanted to go big. So, when I saw that there was a leadership position open for my degree, I dove in headfirst. It was something I never would have imagined myself doing in the past, and that was my biggest push towards it.”

Oreno is grateful for these new opportunities to grow and to help other students succeed. “I know there is so much for me to learn, and surrounding myself with successful, intelligent people will be invaluable,” she said. “I'm excited to get involved and be a part of something that will help other students in my program to be the best that they can be.”

Some of Oreno’s hobbies include writing, video games, weightlifting, digital art, graphic design, and learning, particularly by taking random classes on Skillshare.

When asked to give words of encouragement to those in the department, Oreno said, “I know this year looks like a bit of a bummer right now, but there are still ways to dive into the university experience as much as you can with zoom and socially distanced events. I've met some of the kindest, most helpful people at USU, so get out there!”