April 15, 2019

Megan Hamilton Won "Shark Tank" Research Funding Competition at AERA 2019

megan hamilton with other shark tank contestants
Megan Hamilton with Other Shark Tank Contestants

"Congratulations!" started an email to Megan Hamilton early last week, "Our Sharks were impressed with the work you presented during the inaugural AERA Division C Shark Tank competition."

Megan Hamilton, a doctoral student in the Instructional Technology and Learning Sciences Department, won $1,500 in a "Shark Tank" presentation on April 8th in Toronto. This event was a part of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting on Monday April 8th.

Hamilton's letter from Rachel Croninger, Program Chair of the AERA Graduate Student Council, continued, "We know how much time you put into your pitch, and we really appreciate your innovation as well as the attention you brought to the representation of Indigenous students."

Based on the strength of her research pitch in front of the Sharks and her ability to answer questions from the Sharks and the audience, the ITLS Department is going to match the funding awarded from the competition. See the previous story about Hamilton's presentation for more details about the competition.