Adult Memory & Health Registry - IRB Protocol #13042

This registry will serve as a resource for researchers to invite interested individuals to participate in their research studies. As a participant in the registry, you will learn about research being conducted by USU researchers as well as those throughout the region and be invited to participate in research studies for which you are eligible. To join the registry, you must be age 50 or older and able to understand and communicate in English either with or without the assistance of a relative, friend, caregiver or aide. You need not have any cognitive or health concerns to join; your participation is valuable regardless of your current status. To join the registry, you will review and sign a consent form and complete a brief 10-minute survey. For more information, please contact our registry coordinator, Marisa Davis at 435-557-9849 or email at or principal investigator, JoAnn Tschanz, Ph.D. at 435-797-1457 or email at 

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