All photos are owned by Maria Ellen Huebner and may not be downloaded, shared, or reproduced without permission from the photographer.

Pok Yo

As a young woman, Pok Yo met an American soldier in South Korea and they began a relationship, but he was quickly transferred to Vietnam. After his tour of duty there, he re-inlisted and was sent back to the same area in Korea, and they were married at the United States Embessy in Seoul. Pokyo emmegrated to the United States and obtained citizenship shortly after. They had two sons and a daughter and settled into Wisconsin. 

Pok Yo spent most of her life in Wisconsin. She ran a laundromat in a section of town notorious for violence; but she was protected by the community and even by gang members. Pokyo has a fiesty personality, and she is caring and kind -- she always loved to feed everyone. As he aged, her husband, a retired disabled veteran, needed more care than Pokyo could provide alone. In 2014 they moved to Cache Valley across the street from their daughter. Pokyo's husband lived 3 more years in Utah and then passed away. 

Dementia has not stopped Pok Yo from constantly moving. She feeds apples to the horses behind her house, tends to her yard, goes for many walks, and generally keeps busy. She has a devoted little white dog named Shoogie and she enjoys putting trinkets on display throughout her home. She has a special affection for Chuck Norris, collects pictures of him, watches his shows and movies daily, and even got to meet him once while living in Utah. 

Pok Yo loves to ask questions and always does so with a smile. She says she doesn’t need her picture taken, but when she sees the camera focused on her, she is happy to strike a pose.  

Pok You smiling while sitting at kitchen table.