All photos are owned by Maria Ellen Huebner and may not be downloaded, shared, or reproduced without permission from the photographer.


Pat is a lover of the arts and passionate about social justice. She trained in and taught Japanese flower arranging — ikebana — for 30 years. She sang in her church choir in New Jersey for decades and attended hundreds of New Jersey Symphony performances and other classical concerts.

She shared her passion for the arts with her children by supporting their own pursuits through museum visits, music and art lessons, camps, and concerts.

Pat’s career as a professor of arts management focused on training the next generation of artists and art supporters in all aspects of non-profit arts management. She lived true to her mission when she founded a glass-blowing school for inner city youth in Newark, NJ, where young people learn entrepreneurial and glass-blowing skills.

Pat has been married to her husband for more than 50 years. She has two children and four grandchildren whom she adores.

Pat sitting and smiling.