All photos are owned by Maria Ellen Huebner and may not be downloaded, shared, or reproduced without permission from the photographer.


Nadine was 14 years old in American Falls, Idaho when she worked as a nanny right across the street from Leonard, who was just 16. He jokes, “she was infatuated with me,” but at the time, he knew she was too young.

In 1954, Leonard went into the military and began to write to Nadine. She replied to his letters, pragmatically stating, “if you don’t want me to answer, don’t write.” He definitely wanted answers, and their correspondence continued for three years. Leonard returned from Okinawa in 1957, and they married later that year. A box containing their love letters from that time period is a family treasure.

Leonard and Nadine have been married for 65 years. They had three children, two boys and a girl. In 2021, their oldest son died tragically in a motorcycle accident in Logan Canyon, causing them tremendous grief.

A room in their home is devoted to photos – featuring nine grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren; Leonard can recite the birthdays of all the new babies. Nadine and Leonard dance together in this room as they listen to 1950’s love songs.

Nadine is in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease.  Many members of her family have also had this disease, which has helped Leonard know how to provide the right care. He is 88 years old, and despite his age, he says things are going well. His only struggle is keeping her hair the way she likes it – so he brings in help to get it just right. Nadine says, “he keeps me laughing.”

Nadine smiling with family photos in the background.