21st Annual Emma Eccles Jones Early Childhood Symposium

Evidence-based Instruction for Children with or At-risk for Reading Difficulties in Grade K-3

Carolyn Denton

Carolyn Denton, PhD

From Research to the Classroom: Practical Implications of a Career of Research on Reading Interventions

Abstract: If students who struggle to learn to read are going to catch up with their grade-level peers, these students must actually learn faster than typically-developing students. What kind of literacy intervention will accelerate the reading development of primary grade students with or at-risk of reading difficulties (RD)? How can classroom teachers adapt their instruction to support these students? What kind of reading instruction is effective for students who have both ADHD and RD? Dr. Denton will describe the practical implications of her research addressing these questions. She will also describe ways that teachers can integrate supports for a growth mindset and positive attitudes toward reading for students who have experienced reading failure. Participants will receive sample lesson plans and practice instructional routines in word study, text reading, comprehension, and self-regulation.

Bio: Carolyn Denton received her Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from Texas A&M University in 2000. Since that time, her work has focused primarily on developing and evaluating interventions for students with or at-risk of reading difficulties and disabilities (RD), including students with dyslexia. She has led several large studies, including studies of Tier 2 and Tier 3 reading interventions funded by the Institute of Education Sciences (US Department of Education) and the National Institutes of Health. She also led a study of interventions for children who have both ADHD and reading difficulties. Currently, she is part of a team that is developing and testing a Tier 2 intervention in both reading and writing for kindergarten children at-risk of literacy difficulties. Although most of her work has been with elementary school students, she has also worked with struggling readers in middle and high school. Dr. Denton is the author of four books and numerous book chapters and journal articles on reading interventions and related topics. Dr. Denton is currently a senior research scientist with Oregon Research Institute.

Michael Coyne

Michael Coyne, PhD

Delving into the Details: Multi-tiered Reading Supports for Students With or At-risk for Reading Difficulties in K-3

Abstract: Although there is rigorous evidence about the knowledge and practices that accelerate reading achievement, we often underestimate the support that teachers and schools need to build the systems and infrastructure to fully implement and sustain these practices. Dr. Coyne will share how multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) frameworks can help teachers and schools coordinate effective reading practices in instruction, intervention, and data-based decision making with a focus on how to intensify supports for students with or at-risk for reading difficulties. Dr. Coyne will share examples from successful MTSS initiatives as well as tools and strategies for maximizing the effectiveness of reading instruction, intervention, and assessment within and across classrooms.

Bio: Michael Coyne is a professor at the University of Connecticut. His research focuses on beginning reading instruction and intervention, multi-tiered systems of support, school-based experimental research, and effective practices for students with learning disabilities. Dr. Coyne has directed multiple grants and contracts including six research grants funded by the U.S. Department of Education focused on developing and evaluating intensive beginning reading and vocabulary interventions. Dr. Coyne is a co-author of the IES practice guide, Foundational Skills to Support Reading for Understanding in Kindergarten through 3rd Grade and has worked with state departments of education to develop, implement, and evaluate state-wide MTSS efforts and federal reading initiatives. Dr. Coyne is a former special educator in public schools.

Event Photos

Dr. Carolyn Denton speaking in front of an audience

Dr. Michael Coyne speaks in front of an audience

Several people hold a discussion

Attendees serving themselves food