Arts Are Core News
Elementary school students turn Cache Valley buses into mobile art galleries
When 9-year-old Mae Linton first saw the Cache Valley bus featuring her and her classmates’ artwork, she felt like a celebrity. An elementary schooler sits on the bus and points to a piece of blue and white art hanging in the window. Aurora Villa Mae Lint...
K-8 Arts Integration Exhibit Showcased at the Sorenson Center's Wilkerson Gallery
Creativity Unbound, a K-8 student art exhibit in the Lyndsley Wilkerson Gallery in the Sorenson Legacy Foundation Center for Clinical Excellence at Utah State University, opened on Feb. 9 to an enthusiastic crowd.
Birch Creek Elementary art project creates unity and friendships
A recent art project at Birch Creek Elementary bridged the gap between first and sixth grade, creating unity and new friendships. Art specialist Natalie Nish’s sixth-grade students converted drawings of monsters created by first-graders into three-dimensi...
Lewiston Elementary students work together to bring art to life with 3-D car models
After having first-graders draw designs for their dream car as one of their art projects, Lewiston Elementary art teacher Tina Ernstrom is now having her sixth-grade students create three-dimensional paper mache models to bring the designs to life.
Sunrise Elementary students combine learning and creativity to create a mosaic of Utah
After working for nearly a year, students at Sunrise Elementary have completed a colorful glass mosaic featuring habitats and animals found in Utah. Pairing curriculum with creativity, students incorporated content from science lessons into a beautiful ar...
New Art in transit Bus Featuring Ecosystems and Winter Landscapes Unveiled at Summerfest
Millville Elementary School students with the guidance of their art teacher used watercolor to bring to life ecosystems and winter landscapes which will be featured during this year’s Art in Transit: From Schools to Community program.
Natalie Nish Award
Congratulations to Birch Creek Elementary School's Natalie Nish, who was recently named the Utah Art Education Association's Elementary Art Educator of the Year! According to the UAEA, this award is given each year to one elementary classroom teacher or s...
New Art in Transit bus featuring student art revealed at Summerfest
Students from Bear River Charter School were surprised to discover their artwork had been chosen to adorn a Cache Valley Transportation Department bus to celebrate the tenth year of the Art in Transit: From Schools to Community program adorning the buses....
A decade of Art in Transit New Bus Featuring Student Art Revealed at Mount Logan Middle School
On Thursday morning, sixth graders from Mount Logan Middle School looked with amazement at the brand-new Art in Transit bus displaying their artwork. “That's my mom!” Olivia Ortiz said to her group of friends, pointing to the side of the bus.
Lewiston Teacher of the Year, Mandi Sigg, uses art-integrated instruction to increase comprehension
Sigg, Lewiston’s 2021-22 Teacher of the Year, takes on the challenge of incorporating ideas that will help students see their education differently. She teaches art as part of the Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program (BTSALP), which provides art...
USU Recognizes Outstanding Efforts in 2022 Faculty Awards Ceremony
Exceptional faculty across the Utah State University system were celebrated at the 2022 Faculty Awards Ceremony on Thursday, hosted jointly by the Office of Research and the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost.
USU gallery exhibits artwork created by local K-8 students over pandemic; virtual tour online
Although the coronavirus threw a wrench into many in-person celebrations over the past year, an exhibit of artwork from local students shows that restrictions can come with a silver lining of innovation.
Aurora Hughes Villa Named UAEA Art Educator of the Year
Aurora Hughes Villa, professional practice associate professor in the Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services at Utah State University, has been selected as the 2020-21 Utah Art Education Association (UAEA) Higher Education Art E...
Studio Habits of Mind: Change for the Better
My schedule just changed…again. Art times have been shortened…again. There was no money for the art supply budget this year and students are not allowed to share supplies. There have been so many challenges to teaching art to elementary stu…
Creativity Unbound: New Exhibit Features the Art of Learning
Visitors to the Sorenson Center for Clinical Excellence on Tuesday, February 4 were greeted with music and the buzz of children’s voices as the Lyndsley Wilkerson Gallery celebrated the opening of its newest exhibit, “Creativity Unbound.”
Utah State: Arts Are Core Conference
Utah State University sent BTSALP specialists and classroom teachers “back to school” with strategies and lesson ideas to reach every learner. Arts Are Core: One World, Many Makers provided professional development arts-integration for K-6 classroom…
New Art in Transit bus wraps unveiled
A girl riding her mountain bike on the Cache Valley terrain with local landmarks in the background is the artistic piece that will be seen driving around the valley this year as the winner of the Art in Transit competition to design a bus wrap.
Congratulations to Shannon Erickson, the Teacher of the Year at Mountainside Elementary!
Known for her energy, creativity, and the beautiful artwork she helps her students produce, Shannon Erickson has been named Mountainside Elementary’s 2018-2019 Teacher of the Year. Erickson has taught at Mountainside for four years as the Beverly Ta…
Pioneer Theatre has seen a key state grant drop from $85K to $45K as Utah arts groups have multiplied. Now lawmakers may triple that funding
In a ghost town near Leeds — far away from the decision-makers in the Utah Capitol — Ronald Cundick is trying to keep a bit of Utah history from falling apart. “You have to use old mortar. You can’t use new mortar. It’s too strong; it breaks up the…
BTSALP Statewide Conference 2018
On September 13th and 14th, members of the Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program, from all over the state gathered at the Utah State Capitol to connect, learn and create. Specialists, principals, university partners all working together to…
Art in Transit program unveils new bus art at Summerfest
Three Fast Forward High School students will get to see their artwork driving around the city for the next year, their reward for winning the Design a Bus Wrap competition. The design by Fast Forward students Frederick Ball, Cameron Barry and Shawn…
BTSALP Newsletter
Lewiston Elementary Arts Specialist: Mandi Sigg UTAH'S NATIVE ANIMALS POP! Fourth Graders exhibiting learned facts about native animals of Utah and their habitats.
BTSALP Newsletter
Sixth grade classes (90 students) at Canyon Elementary worked with glass artist, Carrie Trenholm and created fused glass panels inspired by ancient cultures. Students learned about West African Adrinka textile designs and symbols, Egyptian hieroglyp…
'Art in Transit' program continues to introduce student art to the community
HYRUM — Fourth grade students gasped with delight as they exited the doors of Lincoln Elementary on Monday morning and saw their own artwork on display. “See that on the sign?” fourth-grader Codee Thompson said. “That’s mine.”