Faculty Publications

Scholarly Articles


Campbell, K., Charlton, C., Maynes, J., & West, R.P. (2014). State of the States 2013: Utah. Journal of Education Finance, 39(3), 283-286.

Dieker, L. A., Rodriquez, J. A., Lignugaris/Kraft, B., Hynes, M. C., & Hughes, C. E. (2014). The future of simulated environments in teacher education: Current potential and future possibilities. Teacher Education and Special Education, 37, 21-34  DOI 10.1177/0888406413512683

Durán, L. K., Roseth, C., & Hoffman, P. (2014). An experimental study comparing predominantly English and transitional bilingual education on Spanish-speaking preschoolers' early literacy development: Year two results.Applied Psycholinguistics. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1017/S014271641300056.

Hall, J., Morgan, R. L., & Salzberg, C. S. (2014). Job preference and job matching assessment results and their association with job performance and satisfaction among youth with developmental disabilities. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 49, 129-138.

Oertle, K. M., & Bragg, D. D. (2014). Transitioning students with disabilities: Community college policies and practices. Journal of Disability Policy Studies. Online First: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1044207314526435

Plotner, A. J., Trach, J. S., Oertle, K. M., & Fleming, A. R. (2014) "Differences in Service Delivery Between Transition VR Counselors and General VR Counselors." Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 57(2), 109 - 115.

Riesen, T., Schultz, J., Morgan, R., & Kupferman, S. (2014).  School-to-work barriers as identified by special educators, vocational rehabilitation counselors, and community rehabilitation professionals.  The Journal of Rehabilitation, 80(1), 33-44.

Snyder, K., Slocum, T. A., & Kunnavatana, S. S. (2014). Promoting Behavioral Variability in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Literature Review. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities. DOI: 10.1177/1088357614525661


Brodhead, M. T. & Higbee, T. S. (2013). Teaching and maintaining ethical behavior in a clinical organization.Behavior Analysis in Practice, 5, 86-92.

Christensen, K.M., & Holt, J.M. (2013). Utahn's Understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorder.  Disability and Health Journal, 6(1), 52-62.

Durán, L. K., Bloom, S.E., & Samaha, A.L. (2013) Adaptations to a functional behavior assessment with a Spanish-speaking preschooler. Education and Treatment of Children, 36(1), 73-95.

Durán, L. K., Innocenti, M., Robertshaw, M. B., & Shea, K. (2013). The psychometric properties of the Bilingual Early Language Assessment. National Head Start Association Dialog, 16(3), 1-15.

Durán, L. K., Roseth, C., Hoffman, P., & Robertshaw, M. B. (2013). An experimental study comparing  predominantly English and transitional bilingual education on Spanish-speaking preschoolers' early literacy development: Year three results. The Bilingual Research Journal, 36(1), 6-34.

Grizzell, S. T., & Smart, J. F. (2013).  A guide for working with vocational rehabilitation clients with acquired brain injury using the International Classification of Functioning model.  Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 44, 17-24.

King, A. D., Morgan, R. L., & Callow-Heusser, C. A. (2013). Doing the math: How prepared are college-bound students with disabilities? Utah Special Educator. December, 2013, http://essentialeducator.org/?p=14724

Kunnavatana, S. S., Bloom, S. E., Samaha, A., Lignugaris/Kraft, B.Dayton, E., & Harris, S. K. (2013). Using a modified pyramidal teaching model to teach special education teachers to conduct trial based functional analyses. Teacher Education and Special Education, 36, 267-286.

Mason, L. L., Glomb, N., & Barta, J. (2013). A contingency analysis of how  virtual learning environments function in distance education. International Journal of Arts and Sciences, 6(4), 161-176.

Morgan, R. L., Callow-Heusser, C. A., Horrocks, E., Hoffman, A. K., & Kupferman, S. (2013). Identifying transition teacher competencies through literature review and surveys of national experts and practitioners.Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals. published online 1 April 2013 http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/2165143413481379  DOI: 10.1177/2165143413481379

Oertle, K. M., Trach, J. S., & Plotner, A. J. (2013). Rehabilitation professionals' expectations for transition and interagency collaboration. Journal of Rehabilitation, 79, 25-35.

Plotner, A. J., Trach, J. S., Oertle, K. M., & Fleming, A. R. (2013). Examining differences in transition service delivery among transition focused VR counselors and general VR counselors. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin.Published online before print September 5, 2013, Retrieved from: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0034355213499075  doi: 10.1177/0034355213499075

Razeghi, J., Morningstar, M., Morgan, R. L., & Williams-Diehm, K. (2013) Updated and Available DCDT Transition Specialist Standards. DCDT Newsletter

Southwick, J. D., Durán, L. K.Schultz, J. C. (2013) A pragmatic approach to cultural competency in vocational rehabilitation: the case of Hmong Americans. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 44(3), 25 -31.

Taylor, D., Morgan, R. L., & Schultz, J. (2013). Interagency collaboration in transition to adulthood for young adults with disabilities: barriers and facilitators. Utah Special Educator, December, 2013, http://essentialeducator.org/?p=14725

Wolfe, K., & Durán, L. K.  (2013). Culturally and linguistically diverse parents' perceptions of the IEP process: A review of current research.  Multiple Voices for Ethnically Diverse Exceptional Learners, 13(2), 4-18.

Technical Papers by Faculty


Stenhoff, D. M., Davey, B. J., Slocum, T. A., Lignugaris/Kraft, B., Salzberg, C. L. (2004). The Teacher Performance Measure (TPM) (Tech. Rep.) Logan, UT: Utah State University, Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation. [download ]

Davey, B. J., Stenhoff, D. M., Slocum, T. A., Lignugaris/Kraft, B., Salzberg, C. L. (2004). Procedures Involving Teacher Performance Measures (TPM) and Student Achievement Data collection. (Tech. Rep.). Logan, UT: Utah State University, Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation. [download]

Chapters in Books


Ellerd, D. A., & Morgan, R. L. (2014). Employment assessment. In K. Storey & D. Hunter (Eds.), The road ahead: Transition to adult life for persons with disabilities (3rd ed.) (pp. 59-84). St. Augustine, FL: Training Resources Network.

Lignugaris/Kraft, B., & Harris, S.  (2014). Teacher preparation: Principles of effective pedagogy. In P. Sindelar, E. D. McRay, M. T. Brownell, & B. LignugarisKraft  (Eds.), Handbook of research on special education teacher preparation. (pp. 233-255). New York: Routledge, Taylor, & Francis.

Lignugaris/Kraft, B., Sindelar, P., McRay, E. D., & Kimerling, J. (2014).  The ‚¬Å“Wicked Question‚¬ of teacher education effects and what to do about it. In P. Sindelar, E. D. McRay, M. T. Brownell, & B. LignugarisKraft  (Eds.),Handbook of research on special education teacher preparation. (pp. 461-472). New York: Routledge, Taylor, & Francis.

McDonnell, J., Jameson, M., Riesen, T., & Polychronis, S. (2014). Embedded instruction in inclusive education settings. In F. Spooner, & D. Browder (Eds.). More Language Arts, Math, and Science for Students with Severe Disabilities. Paul H. Brooks.

Schultz, J.C. (2014). Ethical Practice in Human Services Supervision. In C. Flowers, J. Soldner, & S. Robertson, S. (Eds.), Clinical Supervision & Administrative Practices in Allied Health Professions. Linn Creek, MO: Aspen Professional Services

Trach, J. S., Oertle, K. M., & Plotner, A. J. (2014). Transition from school through process to outcomes. In D. R. Strauser (Ed.). Career Development, Employment, and Disability in Rehabilitation. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company, LLC.

Westling, D., Salzberg, C., Collins, B., Morgan, R., & Knight, V. (2014). Research on the preparation of teachers of students with severe disabilities. In P. Sindelar,  E. D. McRay, M. T. Brownell, & B. Lignugaris/Kraft (Eds.),Handbook of research on special education teacher preparation (pp. 305-320). New York: Routledge, Taylor, & Francis.


Detrich, R., Slocum, T. A., & Spencer, T. D.  (2013). Evidence-Based Education and Best Available Evidence: Decision-Making Under Conditions of Uncertainty. In B. G. Cook, M. Tankersley, T. J. Landrum (Eds.), Evidence-Based Practices (Advances in Learning and Behavioral Disabilities, Volume 26) (pp. 21-44). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Books by Faculty


Sindelar, P. T., McRay, E. D., M. T., Brownell, M. T. & Lignugaris/Kraft, B. (2014) Handbook of research on special education teacher preparation. New York: Routledge, Taylor, & Francis.


Martella, R. C., Nelson, R., Morgan, R. L., & Marchand-Martella, N. E. (2013). Understanding and Interpreting Educational Research. New York: Guilford Press.


Smart, J. F. (2011). Disability across the developmental lifespan. New York: Springer


Smart, J. F. (2008). Disability, Society, and the Individual. (2nd ed.). Austin, TX: Pro Ed.


Hudson, P. & Miller, S. P. (2006). Designing and Implementing Mathematics Instruction for Students with Diverse Learning Needs. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Pickett, A.L., Gerlach, K., Morgan, B., Likins, M. & Wallace, T. (Eds.) (2006). Paraeducators in Schools Strengthening the Educational Team. Pro-Ed.