Tim Slocum Ph.D.

Special Education and Rehabilitation Counseling


Timothy A. Slocum

Contact Information

Office Location: EDUC 314
Phone: 435-797-3212
Email: tim.slocum@usu.edu
Additional Information:

Educational Background

PhD, Education, University of Washington, 1991

Teaching Interests

Reading instruction, advanced topics in behavior analysis, evidence-based practice

Research Interests

Evaluation of academic outcomes from instructional innovations, measurement validity, direct Instruction, reading disabilities, reading instruction, alternate assessment.


Fred S. Keller Behavioral Education Award, 2011

American Psychological Association Division 25

Teacher of the Year, 2011

Department of Special Education & Rehabilitation

Teacher of the Year, 2011

EEJ College of Education & Human Services

Teacher of the Year, 2010

Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation

Nominated for Reading First Review Panel, 2002

Utah State University

Teacher of the Year, 2001

Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation

Teacher of the Year, 2000

Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation

Teacher of the Year, 1999

Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation

Top Professor, 1999

Utah State University Mortar Board Society

Teacher of the Year, 1998

Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation

Teacher of the Year, 1997

Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation

Teacher of the Year, 1995

Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation

Teacher of the Year, 1993

Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation

Publications | Books

  • Slocum, T.A, Machand-Matella, N., Martella, R., (2004). Introduction to Direct Instruction. Allyn-Bacon

    Publications | Book Chapters

  • Bundock, K., Slocum, T.A, Stein, M., Kinder, D., Rolf, K., Silbert, J., Carnine, D.W, (2018). Research Support for Direct Instruction Mathematics: Designing Effective Mathematics Instruction: A Direct Instruction Approach. Pearson Education, Inc. *
  • Slocum, T.A, Watkins, C., Spencer, T.D, (2010). Direct Instruction: Relevance and Applications to Behavioral Autism Treatment: Behavioral Foundations of Education. Sloan Publishing
  • Slocum, T.A, (2004). Direct Instruction: The big ideas: Empirically Supported Educational Methods. Elsevier Academic Process
  • Slocum, T.A, Watkins, C., (2004). Elements of Direct Instruction: Introduction to Direct Instruction. Allyn-Bacon
  • Slocum, T.A, Butterfield, E.C, Nelson, G.N, (1993). Cognitive and behavioral analyses of teaching and transfer: Are they different?: Transfer on trial: Intelligence, cognition, and instruction. Ablex Pubs
  • Slocum, T.A, Butterfield, E.C, Nelson, G.N, (1992). Cognitive and behavioral analyses of transfer of learning are functionally equivalent: Cognition and educational practice. JAI Press

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Curriculum

    An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

    Publications | Journal Articles

    Academic Journal

    • Slocum, T.A, Detrich, R., Wilczynski, S., Spencer, T., Lewis, T., Wolfe, K., (2014). The evidence-based practice of applied behavior analysis. The Behavior Analyst., 37:1, 41-56.
    • Wolfe, K., Slocum, T.A, Kunnavatana, S.S, (2014). Promoting Behavioral Variability in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Literature Review. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, doi: 10.1177/1088357614525661
    • Slocum, T.A, O'Keeffe, B.V, Magnusson, R., (2013). The Effects of a Fluency Training Package on Paraprofessionals' Presentation of a Reading Intervention. Journal of Special Education, doi: 10.1177/0022466911404072
    • O'Keeffe, B.V, Slocum, T.A, Burlingame, C., Snyder, K., Bundock, K., (2012). Comparing results of systematic reviews: Parallel reviews of research on repeated reading. Education and Treatment of Children, 35:2, 333--366.
    • Slocum, T.A, Spencer, T.D, Detich, R., (2012). Best available evidence: Three complementary approaches. Education and Treatment of Children, 35:2, 153 - 181.
    • Slocum, T.A, Detich, R., Spencer, T.D, (2012). Evaluating the validity of systematic reviews to identify empirically supported treatments. Education and Treatment of Children, 35:2, 201-233.
    • Spencer, T.D, Detrich, R., Slocum, T.A, (2012). Evidence-based practice: A framework for making effective decisions. Education and Treatment of Children, 35:2, 127 - 151.
    • Slocum, T.A, Vasquez, E., (2012). The evaluation of synchronous online tutoring for students at-risk of reading failure. Exceptional Children, 78, 221-235.
    • Slocum, T.A, Spencer, T.D, (2011). Maximizing conversational independence. Evidence-Based Practice Briefs, 6:1, 1-8.
    • Vasquez, E., Slocum, T.A, Mason, L., O'Keeffe, B., Lopez, A., Straub, C., Powell, S., McKinney, T., Bedesem, P., Walker, Z., Gonzalez, T., (2011). Empirical Research on Ethnic Minority Students: 1995-2009. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 26:2, 84-93.
    • Slocum, T.A, Spencer, T.D, (2010). The effect of a narrative intervention on story retelling and personal story generation skills of preschoolers with risk factors and narrative language delays. Journal of Early Intervention, 32:3, 178-199.
    • Slocum, T.A, Hager, K.D, (2008). Utah’s alternate assessment: Evidence regarding six aspects of validity. Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities
    • Slocum, T.A, Hager, K.D, Detrich, R., (2006). NCLB, Contingencies, and Utah’s Alternate Assessment. Journal of Evidence Based Practices for Schools
    • Slocum, T.A, Hager, K.D, (2005). Using alternate assessment to improve educational outcomes. The Rural Special Education Quarterly, 24, 54-59.
    • Slocum, T.A, Adams, G.L, Railsback, G.L, Gallagher, S.A, McCright, S.A, Uchytil, R.A, Conlon, W.W, Davis, J.T, (2004). A critical review of Randall Ryder's report of Direct Instruction reading in two Wisconsin school districts. Journal of Direct Instruction, 4, 111-127.
    • Slocum, T.A, (2003). Assessing the Effects of Direct Instruction. Journal of Direct Instruction, 3, 34-55.
    • Slocum, T.A, Watkins, C., (2003). Elements of Direct Instruction. Journal of Direct Instruction, 3, 4-32.
    • Slocum, T.A, (2003). From the editor: New Resources for Direct Instruction. Journal of Direct Instruction, 3, 1-2.
    • Slocum, T.A, (2002). From the editor. Journal of Direct Instruction, 2, 1-2.
    • Slocum, T.A, Marchand-Martella, N., (2001). Introducing the Journal of Direct Instruction. Journal of Direct Instruction, 1, 1-2.
    • Slocum, T.A, Marchand-Martella, N., (2001). Wesley Becker: A founding father. Journal of Direct Instruction, 1, 3-6.
    • Slocum, T.A, Hallenbeck, B.A, (2000). A tool kit for collaboration: A review of Educational Partnerships: Serving Students at Risk. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation
    • Slocum, T.A, Lignugaris/Kraft, B., (1999). The importance of student participation in Direct Instruction research. Effective School Practices, 18:2, 5-7.
    • Slocum, T.A, Hofmeister, A., (1996). Accelerated student achievement project. CPD News, 19:2, 1-3.
    • Slocum, T.A, Street, L., Gilberts, G., (1995). Review of research and theory on the relation between oral reading rate and reading comprehension. Journal of Behavioral Education, 5, 377-398.
    • Slocum, T.A, O'Connor, R.E, Jenkins, J.R, (1995). Transfer among phonological tasks in kindergarten: Essential instructional content. Journal of Educational Psychology, 87, 202 - 217.
    • Slocum, T.A, Butterfield, E.C, (1994). Bridging the schism between behavioral and cognitive analyses. The Behavior Analyst, 17, 59-73.
    • Slocum, T.A, Desjardins, E.A, (1993). Integrating precision teaching and direct instruction. Journal of Precision Teaching, 10, 20-24.
    • Slocum, T.A, O'Connor, R.E, Jenkins, J.R, (1993). Transfer among phonological manipulation skills. Journal of Educational Psychology, 85, 618-630.
    • Slocum, T.A, O'Connor, R.E, Jenkins, J.R, Leicester, N., (1992). Teaching phonological awareness to young children with learning disabilities. Exceptional Children, 59, 532-546.
    • Slocum, T.A, (1992). USU special education department develops dual programs with secondary education and elementary education. Utah Special Educator, 12:8
    • Slocum, T.A, Horton, S., Lovitt, T.C, (1989). Teaching geography to high school students with academic deficits: Effects of a computerized map tutorial. Learning Disabilities Quarterly, 11, 371-379.
    • Slocum, T.A, Jenkins, J.R, Matlock, B., (1989). Two approaches to vocabulary instruction: The teaching of individual word meanings and practice in deriving word meaning from context. Reading Research Quarterly, 24, 215-235.

    An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

    Publications | MultiMedia


    • Slocum, T.A, (1991). Excel macros for standard celeration charting. Experimental Education Unit, University of Washington
    • Slocum, T.A, Williams, T.C, (1990). WriteTrac. Experimental Education Unit, University of Washington
    • Slocum, T.A, (1988). ISEarthScience. Experimental Education Unit, University of Washington
    • Slocum, T.A, (1988). ISGraphic Authoring System. Experimental Education Unit, University of Washington
    • Slocum, T.A, (1988). ISGraphic Practice Game Shell. Experimental Education Unit, University of Washington
    • Slocum, T.A, (1988). ISGraphic Tutorial Shell. Experimental Education Unit, University of Washington

    An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

    Publications | Other


    • Slocum, T.A, (2008). Sources of evidence-based education recommendations. Association for Behavior Analysis International Newsletter


    • Slocum, T.A, Hager, K.D, (2005). Technical manual for Utah's Alternate Assessment. Utah State University, Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation
    • Slocum, T.A, Hager, K.D, (2004). Recommended second edition of Utah's Alternate Assessment. Utah State University, Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation
    • Slocum, T.A, Hager, K.D, (2003). Recommended alternate assessment for the State of Utah. Utah State University, Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation
    • Slocum, T.A, (1998). Steering Committee of the Center for the School of the Future: Alternative Paths to Educational Change. Forum

    An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.


    SPED 5330 - Eligibility Assessment for student with Mild/Moderate Disabilities,
    PSYC 6600 - Measurement, Design, and Analysis I,
    PSYC 7610 - Measurement, Design, and Analysis II,
    TEAL 7810 - Multidisciplinary Seminar on Language and Literacy,
    SPED 5330 - Eligibility Assessment for Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities, Fall 2023
    SPED 7700 - Single-Subject Research Methods and Designs, Fall 2023
    , Spring 2023
    SPED 7080 - Writing for Publication, Spring 2023
    SPED 5330 - Eligibility Assessment for Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities, Fall 2022
    SPED 7700 - Single-Subject Research Methods and Designs, Fall 2022
    SPED 7940 - Journal Reading Group, Summer 2021
    , Spring 2021
    SPED 7940 - Journal Reading Group, Spring 2021
    SPED 7040 - Literature Review, Spring 2021
    SPED 7820 - Seminar: Special Topics, Spring 2021
    SPED 7080 - Writing for Publication, Spring 2021
    SPED 7080 - Writing for Publication, Fall 2020
    SPED 7040 - Literature Review, Summer 2020
    SPED 7940 - Journal Reading Group, Spring 2020
    SPED 6960 - Creative Project, Fall 2019
    SPED 7940 - Journal Reading Group, Fall 2019
    SPED 7700 - Single-Subject Research Methods and Designs, Fall 2019
    SPED 5900 - Independent Study, Summer 2019
    SPED 7820 - Seminar: Special Topics, Spring 2019
    SPED 6960 - Creative Project, Fall 2018
    CESP 5560 - Improving School System Programs, Summer 2018
    SPED 6960 - Creative Project, Spring 2018
    SPED 7900 - Independent Study, Spring 2018
    SPED 6960 - Creative Project, Fall 2017
    SPED 5310 - Teaching Reading and Language Arts to Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities, Fall 2017
    SPED 5310 - Teaching Reading and Language Arts to Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities, Fall 2017
    CESP 5560 - Improving School System Programs, Summer 2017
    SPED 6960 - Creative Project, Spring 2017
    SPED 5900 - Independent Study, Spring 2017
    SPED 7840 - Preliminary Exams, Spring 2017
    SPED 7820 - Seminar: Special Topics, Spring 2017
    SPED 6960 - Creative Project, Fall 2016
    SPED 5310 - Teaching Reading and Language Arts to Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities, Fall 2016
    SPED 7090 - Conference Presentation, Spring 2016
    SPED 6960 - Creative Project, Spring 2016
    SPED 7910 - Independent Research, Spring 2016
    SPED 6900 - Independent Study, Spring 2016
    SPED 7820 - Seminar: Special Topics, Spring 2016
    SPED 7900 - Independent Study, Fall 2015
    SPED 7840 - Preliminary Exams, Fall 2015
    SPED 7840 - Preliminary Exams, Summer 2015
    SPED 7730 - Advanced Topics in Behavior Analysis, Spring 2015
    SPED 7820 - Seminar: Special Topics, Spring 2015
    SPED 7070 - SPED Grant Writing Internship, Spring 2015
    SPED 7840 - Preliminary Exams, Fall 2014
    SPED 5310 - Teaching Reading and Language Arts to Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities, Fall 2014
    SPED 7840 - Preliminary Exams, Summer 2014
    SPED 6960 - Creative Project, Spring 2014
    SPED 7070 - Grant Writing, Spring 2014
    SPED 7900 - Independent Study, Spring 2014
    SPED 7820 - Seminar: Special Topics, Spring 2014
    SPED 5310 - Teaching Reading and Language Arts to Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities, Spring 2014
    SPED 7070 - Grant Writing, Fall 2013
    SPED 7040 - Literature Review, Fall 2013
    SPED 7840 - Preliminary Exams, Fall 2013
    SPED 7060 - Research Internship, Fall 2013
    SPED 5310 - Teaching Reading and Language Arts to Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities, Fall 2013
    SPED 7730 - Advanced Topics in Behavior Analysis, Spring 2013
    SPED 7730 - Advanced Topics in Behavior Analysis, Spring 2013
    SPED 6960 - Creative Project, Spring 2013
    SPED 7070 - Grant Writing, Spring 2013
    SPED 7340 - College Teaching Internship, Fall 2012
    SPED 6960 - Creative Project, Fall 2012
    SPED 7900 - Independent Study, Fall 2012
    SPED 7940 - Journal Reading Group, Fall 2012
    SPED 7940 - Journal Reading Group, Fall 2012
    SPED 7040 - Literature Review, Fall 2012
    SPED 7840 - Preliminary Exams, Fall 2012
    SPED 7060 - Research Internship, Fall 2012
    SPED 5310 - Teaching Reading and Language Arts to Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities, Fall 2012
    SPED 6960 - Creative Project, Summer 2012
    SPED 7970 - Dissertation, Summer 2012
    SPED 7840 - Preliminary Exams, Summer 2012
    SPED 7820 - Seminar: Special Topics, Summer 2012
    SPED 7820 - Seminar: Special Topics, Summer 2012
    SPED 7340 - College Teaching Internship, Spring 2012
    SPED 6960 - Creative Project, Spring 2012
    SPED 7040 - Literature Review, Spring 2012
    SPED 7820 - Seminar: Special Topics - Evidence-based language & literacy pracitces, Spring 2012
    SPED 7820 - Seminar: Special Topics - Verbal behavior, Spring 2012
    SPED 7080 - Writing for Publication, Spring 2012
    SPED 7090 - Conference Presentation, Fall 2011
    SPED 7840 - Preliminary Exams, Fall 2011
    SPED 5310 - Teaching Reading and Language Arts to Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities, Fall 2011
    SPED 7090 - Conference Presentation, Summer 2011
    SPED 7910 - Independent Research, Summer 2011
    SPED 7040 - Literature Review, Summer 2011
    SPED 7730 - ADV TOP BEHAV ANALYSIS, Spring 2011
    SPED 7090 - CONFERENCE PRESENT, Spring 2011
    SPED 7040 - LITERATURE REVIEW, Spring 2011
    SPED 7060 - RESEARCH INTERNSHIP, Spring 2011
    SPED 7080 - WRITING FOR PUBLICATION, Spring 2011
    SPED 7090 - Conference Presentation, Fall 2010
    SPED 7820 - Seminar: Special Topics, Fall 2010
    SPED 5310 - Teaching Reading and Language Arts to Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities, Fall 2010
    SPED 7080 - Writing for Publication, Fall 2010