Charles Salzberg Ph.D.

Special Education and Rehabilitation Counseling

Emeritus Professor

Charles L. Salzberg

Contact Information

Office Location: EDUC 326
Phone: 435-797-3234
Additional Information:

Educational Background

MS, Psychology, Florida State University, 1967
BS, Psychology, (The Physical Sciences), The Florida State University, 1965
PhD, Education and Treatment of Children and Youth with Emotional Disturbance and Behavioral Disorders, Vocational Training and Placement, and Applied Behavior Analysis Research Methodology., University of Kansas


Graduate Mentor of the Year

Utah State University

Vice-president, President-elect, President of the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children, 2011

Council for Exceptional Children

Member of the National Advisory Board for the IRIS Project, 2002


President of the Higher Education Consortium for Special Education, 2001


Graduate Mentor of the Year, 2000

Utah State University

College of Education Researcher of the Year, 1999

Member of the National Advisory Board for the OSEP, 1999

Study of the Supply and Demand of Leadership Personnel in Special Edcucation

Researcher of the Year, 1999

College of Education

Graduate Mentor of the Year, 1996

Utah State University

    Publications | Book Chapters

  • Gaylord-Ross, R., Salzberg, C.L, Curl, R., Storey, K., (1991). Social and vocational factors in the employment of persons with developmental disabilities: R. Remington (Ed.), The challenge of severe mental handicap. New York: John Wiley & Sons
  • Morgan, R.L, Rule, S., Salzberg, C.L, Fodor-Davis, J., (1991). Videodisc-assisted courseware to prepare teachers to serve students who have learning problems: D. Carey, R. Carey, D. A. Willis, & J. Willis (Eds.), Technology and teacher education. Greenville, NC: Society for Technology and Teacher Education.
  • Salzberg, C.L, McConaughy, E.K, (1988). Physical fitness: How are we measuring up?: N. R. Ellis (Ed.), International review of research in mental retardation. New York: Academic Press.
  • Salzberg, C.L, Likins, M., McCanaughy, E.K, (1986). Social competence and employment of retarded persons: N. R. Ellis (Ed.), International review of research on mental retardation. New York: Academic Press
  • Salzberg, C.L, Lignugaris-Kraft, B., (1985). A curriculum-based approach to decision-making and data collection for community-based programs: M. P. Brady & P. Gunter (Eds.), Integrating moderately and severely handicapped learners: Strategies that work. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas
  • Rule, S., Salzberg, C.L, (1984). Group-individualized teaching application.: J. Stowitschek, C. Stowitschek, R. Day, & J. Hendrickson (Eds.), Direct teaching tactics for exceptional children. Germantown, MD: Aspen Systems
  • Salzberg, C.L, McCuller, W.R, (1982). The functional analysis of imitation: N. R. Ellis (Ed.), International review of research for mental retardation. New York: Academic Press
  • Salzberg, C.L, (1975). Freiheit und Verantwortlichkeit in einer Grundschule: D.H. Rost, P. Grunow und D. Oechsle (Eds.), Padagogische Verhaltensmodifikation. Beltz Verlag: Weinheim und Basel
  • Salzberg, C.L, (1972). Freedom and responsibility in an elementary school: G. Semb (Ed.), Behavioral analysis and education. Lawrence: University of Kansas Support and Development Center for Follow- Through

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Journal Articles

Academic Journal

  • Johnson, B., Salzberg, C.L, (2014). Plyometric training: Effectiveness and optimum duration of training for children with unilateral cerebral palsy.. Pediatric Physical Therapy, 26, 169-179.
  • Hall, J., Morgan, R.L, Salzberg, C.L, Job-Preference and Job-Matching Assessment Results and Their Association with Job Performance and Satisfaction among Young Adults with Developmental Disabilities.. Education & Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 49, 301-312.
  • Johnson, B., Salzberg, C.L, Stevenson, D.A, Case series: Effects of a plyometric training program for three children with neurofibromatosis type 1. Pediatric Physical Therapy Journal
  • Glomb, N.K, Salzberg, C.L, Mason, L., Midenhall, T., (2009). Reducing isolation through regional mentors and learning Communities: A way to support rural learners: Rural Special Education Quarterly. , 28:4, 31-35.
  • Collins, S., Higbee, T.S, Salzberg, C.L, (2009). The effects of video modeling on staff implementation of a problem solving intervention with adults with developmental disabilities. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 42, 849-854.

Professional Journal

  • Johnson, B., Salzberg, C.L, Stevenson, D., (2010). A systematic review of plyometric exercise training programs for young children. Journal of Strength andConditioning Research
  • Salzberg, C.L, Smith, D.D, Peterson, D., Snow, K.H, Pyfer, T.W, (2010). Web-based materials for teacher preparation: Improving teachers' abilities to instruct all learners. Journal of Special Education Technology
  • Salzberg, C.L, Smith, D.D, Peterson, D., Snow, K.H, Pyfer, T.W, (2010). Web-based materials for teacher preparation: Improving teachers’ abilities to instruct all learners. Journal of Special Education Technology
  • Rule, S., Salzberg, C.L, (2009). Introduction to special topic issue on perspectives on distance education in special education—from test tube baby to freshman: Distance education grows up.. Rural Special Education Quarterly, 28:3, 3-5.
  • Glomb, N.K, Midenhall, T., Mason, L., Salzberg, C.L, (2009). Reducing Isolation through regional mentors and learning communities: a way to support rural learners. Rural Special Education Quarterly, 28:4, 31-35.
  • Collins, S., Higbee, T.S, Salzberg, C.L, (2009). The Effects of Video Modeling on Staff Implementation of a Problem Solving Intervention.. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 42:4, 849-854.
  • Salzberg, C.L, Blair, M.E, (2007). Accommodations for Licensure and Certification Examinations. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 18:1, 14-22.
  • Salzberg, C.L, Morgan, E., (2006). Correspondence between video CD-ROM and community-based job preferences for individuals with developmental disabilities. Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities, 41:1, 81-90.
  • Salzberg, C.L, Rule, S., Higbee, T., Menlove, R., Smith, J., (2006). Technology-Mediated Consultation to Assist Rural Students: A Case Study. The Rural Special Education Quarterly, 25:2, 3-7.
  • Salzberg, C.L, Debrand, C.C, (2005). A validated curriculum to provide training to faculty regarding students with disabilities in higher education. Journal of Postsecondary Education & Disability, 18:1, 49-62.
  • Mitchem, K., Salzberg, C.L, Ludlow, B., (2005). Riding Fences. The Rural Special Education Quarterly, 24:1, 1-2.
  • Collins, S., Salzberg, C.L, (2005). Scientifically based research and students with severe disabilities: Where do educators find evidence-based practices?. The Rural Special Education Quarterly, 24:1, 60-63.
  • Salzberg, C.L, Tansey, T.N, Swett, E.A, Ferrin, J.M, (2005). Using bibliographic software in mentoring doctoral candidates. Rehabilitation Education, 19:4, 259-264.
  • Menlove, R., Garnes, L., Salzberg, C.L, (2004). A three year study of Special Educator Attrition: Why they leave and where they go. Teacher Education & Special Education, 27:4, 373-383.
  • Ellerd, D.A, Morgan, R.L, Salzberg, C.L, (2002). Comparison of two approaches for identifying job preferences among persons with disabilities using video CD-ROM. Education and Training in Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities, 37:3, 300-309.
  • Salzberg, C.L, Peterson, L., Debrand, C., Rebecca, B.J, Carsey, A.C, Johnson, A.S, (2002). Opinions of disability service directors on faculty training: The need, content, issues, formats, media and activities. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 15:2, 101-114.
  • Anderson, D., Menlove, R., Salzberg, C.L, (2001). Special Education Teacher Attrition: How many are leaving? Where are they going?. The Researcher, 16:1, 28-35.
  • Salzberg, C.L, Pemberton, J., Lignugaris-Kraft, B., (2001). Utah State University Undergraduate Program in Special Education. Distance Education Applications in Special Education, 172-172.
  • Salzberg, C.L, Peterson, L.D, Debrand, C., (2000). The ASD Project: Accommodating Students with Disabilities Higher Education. The CPD News, 23:3, 1-3.
  • Salzberg, C.L, Morgan, J., (1995). Preparing teachers to work with paraeducators: A review of the literature. Teacher Education and Special Education, 18, 49-55.
  • Salzberg, C.L, Morgan, R.L, Moore, S.C, McSweyn, C.A, (1995). Transition from school to employment: What rehabilitation professionals consider important for individuals with developmental disabilities. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 26:3, 36-41.
  • Salzberg, C.L, McCuller, G.L, Lignugaris/Kraft, B., Exum, M., Phelps, B., (1994). A review of research on picture orientation skills: Implications for training individuals with disabilities. Behaviorology, 2:1, 37-54.
  • Salzberg, C.L, Morgan, R.L, Menlove, R., Hudson, P., (1994). Effects of peer coaching on the acquisition of direct instruction skills by low-performing preservice teachers. Journal of Special Education, 28:56-76
  • Hudson, P., Miller, S., Salzberg, C.L, Morgan, R., (1994). The role of peer coaching in teacher education programs. Teacher Education and Special Education, 17:4, 224-235.
  • Salzberg, C.L, Smith, D.D, (1994). The shortage of special education faculty: Toward a better understanding. Teacher Education and Special Education, 17:1, 52-61.
  • Morgan, R.L, Salzberg, C.L, (1992). Effects of video-assisted training on employment-related social skills of adults with severe mental retardation. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 25, 365-383.
  • Salzberg, C.L, Marchand-Martella, N.E, Martella, R.C, Agran, M., Young, K.R, Morgan, D.P, (1992). Generalized effects of a peer-delivered first aid program for students with moderate intellectual disabilities. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 25, 841-851.
  • Morgan, R.L, Gustafson, K.J, Hudson, P.J, Salzberg, C.L, (1992). Peer coaching in a preservice special education program. Teacher Education and Special Education, 15:4, 249-258.
  • Salzberg, C.L, Martella, R.C, Marchand-Martella, N.E, Morgan, R.L, Christensen, A.M, Moore, S.C, (1992). Quality of vocational outcomes for adults with disabilities: One fundamental impediment. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 2:2, 46-52.
  • Morgan, R.L, Moore, S.S, Salzberg, C.A, Salzberg, C.L, (1992). Transition from school to work: Views of secondary special educators. Education and Training in Mental Retardation, 27:4, 315-323.
  • Salzberg, C.L, Rule, S., (1992). Videodiscs and teacher education. California Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 5:2, 20-25.
  • Salzberg, C.L, Agran, M., Martella, R.C, (1991). Expectancy effects in social validation methodology: Are there differential expectations for employees with mental retardation?. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 12, 425-434.
  • Moore, S.C, Godbolt, F., Schwartz, M., Moriber, L., Salzberg, C.L, (1991). Factors contributing to the attrition of supported employment job coaches. Journal of Rehabilitation, 57:2, 47-50.
  • Bell, K.E, Young, K.R, Salzberg, C.L, West, R., (1991). High school driver education using peer tutors, direct instruction, and precision teaching. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 24:1, 45-51.
  • Morgan, R.L, Gassman, G., Rule, S., Salzberg, C.L, (1991). Paraprofessional Training Project. Exceptional News, 15:1, 1.
  • Rule, S., Fodor-Davis, J., Morgan, R.L, Salzberg, C.L, Chen, J., (1990). An in-service training model to encourage collaborative consultation. Teacher Education and Special Education, 13:3-4, 225-227.
  • McCuller, G.L, Moore, S.C, Salzberg, C.L, (1990). Programming for vocational competence in sheltered workshops. Journal of Rehabilitation, 56:3, 41-44.
  • Likins, M., Salzberg, C.L, Stowitschek, J.J, Lignugaris-Kraft, B., Curl, R., (1989). Co-worker implemented job training: The use of coincidental training and quality-control checking procedures on the food preparation skills of employees with mental retardation. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 22, 381-393.
  • Salzberg, C.L, Rule, S., Schulze, K., (1989). The role of videodiscs in special education methods courses. Journal of Special Education Technology, 10:2, 80-85.
  • Salzberg, C.L, Rule, S., Chen, J., Fodor-Davis, J., Morgan, R.L, Schulze, K., (1989). Videodisc technology in teacher training: Advantages and limitations. Teacher Education and Special Education, 12:1-2, 33-39.
  • McConaughy, E.K, Stowitschek, J.J, Salzberg, C.L, Peatross, D.K, (1989). Work supervisors' ratings of social behaviors related to employment success. Rehabilitation Psychology, 34:1, 3-13.
  • Lignugaris-Kraft, B., McCuller, G.L, Exum, M., Salzberg, C.L, (1988). A review of research on picture reading skills of developmentally disabled individuals. Journal of Special Education, 22:3, 297-329.
  • Stowitschek, J.J, McCanaughy, E.K, Peatross, D., Salzberg, C.L, Lignugaris-Kraft, B., (1988). Effects of group incidental training on mentally retarded adults' use of social amenities in work settings. Education and Training of the Mentally Retarded, 23:3, 202-212.
  • Moore, S., McCuller, G.L, Salzberg, C.L, (1988). Professional skill levels of sheltered workshop staff: Selection criteria and post-employment training. Journal of Rehabilitation, 54, 67-70.
  • Moore, S.C, McCuller, G.L, Salzberg, C.L, (1988). Professional skill levels of sheltered workshop staff: Selection criteria and post-employment training. Journal of Rehabilitation, 54:3, 67-70.
  • Salzberg, C.L, Lignugaris-Kraft, B., McCuller, G.L, (1988). Reasons for job loss: A review of employment termination studies of mentally retarded workers. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 9, 153-170.
  • Salzberg, C.L, Lignugaris-Kraft, B., Rule, S., Stowitschek, J.J, (1988). Social-vocational skills of developmentally disabled and nonhandicapped workers in two community employment sites. Mental Retardation, 26:3, 297-305.
  • Salzberg, C.L, Agran, M., Stowitschek, J.J, (1987). An analysis of the effects of a self-instructional training program on the acquisition and generalization of social behaviors in a work setting. The Journal of the Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps, 12, 131-139.
  • Salzberg, C.L, Strain, P.S, Baer, D.M, (1987). Meta-analysis for single-subject research: When does it clarify, when does it obscure?. Remedial and Special Education, 8:2, 43-48.
  • Salzberg, C.L, McCuller, G.L, Lignugaris-Kraft, B., (1987). Producing generalized job initiative in severely mentally retarded sheltered workers. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 20:4, 413-420.
  • Lignugaris-Kraft, B., Salzberg, C.L, Stowitschek, C.L, McConaughy, E.K, (1987). Social interaction patterns among employees in sheltered and nonprofit business settings. The Career Development Quarterly, 35:4, 123-135.
  • Salzberg, C.L, McConaughy, E.K, Lignugaris-Kraft, B., Agran, M., Stowitschek, J.J, (1987). The transition from acceptable to highly-valued worker. The Journal of Vocational Special Needs Education, 10:1, 23-28.
  • Salzberg, C.L, Agran, M., Lignugaris-Kraft, B., (1986). Behaviors that contribute to entry-level employment: A profile of five jobs. Applied Research in Mental Retardation, 7:3, 299-314.
  • Lignugaris-Kraft, B., Rule, S., Salzberg, C.L, Stowitschek, J.J, (1986). Social-interpersonal skills of handicapped and nonhandicapped adults at work. Journal of Employment Counseling, 23:1, 20-30.
  • McCuller, W.R, Salzberg, C.L, (1984). Generalized action-object verbal instruction-following by profoundly mentally retarded adults. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 88:4, 442-445.
  • Salzberg, C.L, Stowitschek, J.J, (1984). Methodological issues in research on vocationally-related social skills. Mid-Western Educational Researcher, 5:1, 15.
  • Salzberg, C.L, Rousseau, M.K, Poulson, C.L, (1984). Naturalistic behavioral intervention with innercity middle school students. Education and Treatment of Children, 7:1, 1-15.
  • Salzberg, C.L, Aiken, J., (1984). The effects of a sensory extinction procedure on stereotypic sounds of two autistic children. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 14:3, 291-299.
  • Correa, V.I, Poulson, C.L, Salzberg, C.L, (1984). Training and generalization of reach-grasp behavior in blind, retarded young children. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 17:1, 57-69.
  • Salzberg, C.L, Villani, T.V, (1983). Speech training by parents of Down's syndrome toddlers: Generalization across settings and instructional contexts. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 87:4, 403-413.
  • Powell, T.H, Salzberg, C.L, Levy, S.M, Rule, S., Itzkowitz, J., (1983). Teaching mentally retarded children to play with their siblings using parents as trainers. Education and Treatment of Children, 6:3, 343-362.
  • Salzberg, C.L, Kelly, W.J, Levy, S.M, Warrenfeltz, T.W, Adams, T.W, Crouse, T.R, Beegle, G.P, (1983). The effects of roleplaying and self-monitoring on the generalization of vocational social skills by behaviorally disordered adolescents. Behavioral Disorders, 9:1, 27-35.
  • Young, C.C, Hecimovic, A., Salzberg, C.L, (1983). Tutor-tutee behavior of disadvantaged kindergarten children during peer teaching. Education and Treatment of Children, 6:2, 123-135.
  • Schneider, H.C, Salzberg, C.L, (1982). A positive approach to removal of restraints to self-injurious behavior. Teaching Exceptional Children, 13:4, 143-144.
  • Salzberg, C.L, Schneider, H.C, (1982). Stimulus overselectivity in a match-to-sample paradigm by severely retarded youth. Analysis and Intervention in Developmental Disabilities, 2:4, 273-304.
  • Albion, F.M, Salzberg, C.L, (1982). The effect of general and task-specific self-instruction on the rate of correct addition problems with mentally retarded children. Education and Treatment of Children, 5:2, 121-132.
  • Salzberg, C.L, Salzberg, R.S, (1981). A comparison between praise and corrective feedback in the remediation of incorrect left-hand position of elementary string players. Journal for Music Education Research, 29:2, 125-133.
  • Salzberg, C.L, Langford, C.A, (1981). Community integration of mentally retarded adults through leisure activity. Mental Retardation, 19:3, 127-131.
  • Salzberg, C.L, Warrenfeltz, R.B, Kelly, W.J, Beegle, C.P, Levy, S., Adams, T.A, Crouse, T.R, (1981). Social skills training of behavior disordered adolescents with self-monitoring to promote generalization to a vocational setting. Behavioral Disorders, 7:1, 18-27.
  • Jackson, A.T, Salzberg, C.L, Pacholl, B., Dorsey, D.S, (1981). The comprehensive rehabilitation of a behavior problem child in his home and community. Education and Treatment of Children, 4:3, 195-215.
  • Salzberg, C.L, Lebsock, M.J, (1981). The use of roleplay and reinforcement procedures in the development of generalized interpersonal behavior with emotionally disturbed-behavior disordered adolescents in a special education classroom. Behavioral Disorders, 6:3, 150-163.
  • Salzberg, C.L, Adams, T., Strain, P.S, Levy, S., (1979). A model program for prevocational/vocational education with moderately and severely handicapped adolescents. Journal of Special Education Technology, 3:1, 36-42.
  • Shores, R.E, Stowitschek, J.J, Kerr, M.M, Salzberg, C.L, (1979). Evaluation of competency-based special education teacher training programs: Focus on pupil performances. Teacher Education and Special Education, 2:3, 68-71.
  • Kerr, M.M, Salzberg, C.L, Shores, R.E, Stowitschek, J.J, (1979). The field-based special education teacher training program: Preservice training of teachers of behaviorally disordered children. Monograph in Behavioral Disorders. Severe Behavior Disorders of Children and Youth
  • Salzberg, C.L, Schaeffer, R.W, (1973). Licking response distributions associated with the acquisition of schedule-induced polydipsia. Bulletin of the Society for Psychonomic Science, 2:4
  • Henton, W.W, Salzberg, C.L, Jordan, J.J, (1969). Conditioned suppression and acceleration of two concurrent responses in Rhesus monkeys. Psychological Reports, 24, 375-387.
  • Salzberg, C.L, Henton, W.W, Jordan, J.J, (1968). Concurrent water drinking on FI and CRF food reinforcement schedules in the Rhesus monkeys. Psychological Reports, 22, 1065-1070.
  • Reynolds, H.H, Salzberg, C.L, Barker, L.M, (1968). Effects of methylphenidate hydrochloride (Ritalin) on psychological judgements by chimpanzees. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 27, 927-933.
  • Schaeffer, R.W, Salzberg, C.L, Birkle, R.A, Ryan, F.C, (1967). Resistance to extinction as a function of reinforcement patterns. Psychological Record, 17, 353-358.
  • Schaeffer, R.W, Salzberg, C.L, (1967). Schedule-induced polydipsia: An atypical case. Psychological Reports, 20, 1971-1976.
  • Salzberg, C.L, Schaeffer, R.W, Diehl, J.C, (1966). An application of Premack's Theory to behaviors associated with a FI food reinforcement schedule. Psychonomic Science, 6

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Other


  • Salzberg, C.L, Rule, S., Morgan, R.L, Horrocks, E., Bartlett, C., (2008). The Utah Special Educator. PEERs on Campus: What Works After 18
  • Peterson, L.D, Salzberg, C.L, (2000). Accommodating students with disabilities in higher education. CPD News

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.


SPED 7920 - Doctoral Program Professional Seminar, Fall 2023
SPED 7920 - Doctoral Program Professional Seminar, Fall 2022
SPED 7920 - Doctoral Program Professional Seminar, Fall 2021
SPED 7920 - Doctoral Program Professional Seminar, Fall 2020
SPED 7920 - Doctoral Program Professional Seminar, Fall 2019
SPED 7920 - Doctoral Program Professional Seminar, Fall 2018
SPED 7920 - Doctoral Program Professional Seminar, Fall 2017
SPED 7920 - Doctoral Program Professional Seminar, Fall 2016
SPED 7920 - Doctoral Program Professional Seminar, Fall 2015
SPED 6960 - Creative Project, Fall 2014
SPED 7920 - Doctoral Program Professional Seminar, Fall 2014
SPED 6960 - Creative Project, Fall 2013
SPED 7920 - Doctoral Program Professional Seminar, Fall 2013
SPED 6960 - Creative Project, Fall 2012
SPED 7920 - Doctoral Program Professional Seminar, Fall 2012
SPED 6960 - Creative Project, Spring 2012
SPED 7830 - Doctoral Seminar, Spring 2012
SPED 7830 - Special Education Personnel Preparation Methods, Spring 2012
SPED 7830 - Special Education Personnel Preparation Methods, Spring 2012
SPED 7920 - Doctoral Program Professional Seminar, Fall 2011
SPED 6970 - Thesis, Fall 2011
SPED 6960 - Creative Project, Summer 2011
SPED 6960 - CREATIVE PROJECT, Spring 2011
SPED 6960 - CREATIVE PROJECT, Spring 2011
SPED 6960 - CREATIVE PROJECT, Spring 2011
SPED 6960 - CREATIVE PROJECT, Spring 2011
SPED 7970 - DISSERTATION, Spring 2011
SPED 6970 - THESIS, Spring 2011
SPED 6960 - Creative Project, Fall 2010
SPED 6960 - Creative Project, Fall 2010
SPED 6960 - Creative Project, Fall 2010
SPED 6960 - Creative Project, Fall 2010
SPED 6960 - Creative Project, Fall 2010
SPED 6960 - Creative Project, Fall 2010
SPED 7920 - Doctoral Program Professional Seminar, Fall 2010
SPED 6970 - Thesis, Fall 2010
SPED 6970 - Thesis, Fall 2010
SPED 6970 - Thesis, Fall 2010
SPED 6970 - Thesis, Fall 2010