School Psychology - EdS

Teacher teaching 3 kids sitting around a table.

The USU Psychology Department offers an Educational Specialist degree (Ed.S.) within our School Psychology Specialization. The Ed.S. in School Psychology path prepares professionals who can provide psychological services in schools and educational settings. The Eds program places strong emphasis on science-based, culturally responsive, ethically informed, and legally compliant practices within schools and allied settings.

The School Psychology specialization features accomplished faculty with expertise in the areas of school mental health, mindfulness-based intervention, self-regulated learning, and parent training.

APA & NASP Accredited

The School Psychology EdS Program has been accredited by NASP since 1995. The Program has been granted initial accreditation by the American Psychological Association through 2026.

Helping Children Succeed

Students in the School Psychology EdS program receive training in supporting students' academic, behavioral, and social-emotional success through coursework in psychological assessment, consultation, and intervention in schools.

Program Length

The School Psychology EdS degree takes students 2 years on-campus and 1 year of school-based internship to complete. This helps students graduate and start their careers in less time.

Ed.S. Degree

An Education Specialist (Ed.S.) degree is a postgraduate professional degree designed for educators who wnat to advance their skills, knowledge, and leadership within the field of education. It is a degree situated between a Master’s and a Doctorate degree.

School Psychology Faculty

School Psychology
Gregory Callan

Gregory Callan

Associate Professor - School Psychology Specialization


School Psychology
maggie chan
Maggie  Chan

Maggie Chan

Assistant Professor - School Psychology Specialization

Gretchen Peacock
School Psychology
Gretchen Gimpel Peacock

Gretchen Gimpel Peacock

Professor | Executive Director of the Sorenson Legacy Foundation Center for Clinical Excellence


School Psychology
Erik  Reinbergs

Erik Reinbergs

Assistant Professor - School Psychology Specialization


School Psychology
Tyler Renshaw

Tyler Renshaw

Director of the School Psychology Specialization

Application Requirements (EdS) 

Submit the following to the School of Graduate Studies:

  • Application
  • Statement of Purpose/Intent - Recommended length of 500-1000 words
  • CV
  • Three Letters of Recommendation
  • Official Transcripts from All Previous Schools

Admission Criteria:

  • GPA for the last 60 credits taken of 3.0 or higher
  • Fit with a current faculty member affiliated with the specialization
Note: The School Psychology specialization does not require GRE scores as part of the application process. However, applicants may choose to submit GRE scores if they wish to do so. GRE scores are not required and will only be considered as supplemental application marerials.

The EdS program admission applications for Fall 2023 are closed. The deadline for Fall 2024 applications is December 1st. 

School Psychology Labs

The Self-Regulated Learning Lab | Greg Callan

Just before, during, and after learning or performing askill, individuals have the opportunity to engage several processes and beliefs that can facilitate more efficient skill development and/or performance. For example, setting goals, planning, using a variety of strategies,self-monitoring, and reflecting after performance can all help an individual learn and perform better. In addition, these processes influence and are influenced by motivational beliefs. Collectively, these processes are part of a system referred to as self-regulated learning (SRL). This research lab examines the development of innovative measurement tools to examine these processes, the development of interventions to foster SRL, and how educators and school psychologists can support the development of SRL. We have completed research within several domains such as mathematical problem solving, test taking, creativity, and reading.

School Mental Health Lab | Tyler Renshaw

The big idea driving our work School Mental Health Lab is that schools should be community hubs for mental health services; not just for kids, but also for educators and parents and families. We believe schools should offer both prevention and treatment, and should balance reducing suffering with improving wellbeing. Most importantly, we believe school-based services are integral to promoting mental health equity. The lab has three main lines of research:

  1. Validating brief rating scales for assessing key mental health variables, including suffering and wellbeing indicators.
  2. Evaluating the effects of simple mindfulness interventions with students, teachers, and parents.
  3. Systematically reviewing the effects of interventions that involve mindfulness (e.g., CBT, ACT, DBT, & SEL) with youth and caregivers.


Disclosure of Educational Requirements for Licensure by State

The PhD specialization adheres to APA accreditation standards and prepares students for entry into the profession of health service psychology with an emphasis in school psychology. The EdS Program adheres to NASP training standards and prepares students for entry into the profession of school psychology. Given the varied and changing requirements across jurisdictions, we have not determined and cannot assure that graduates will meet all requirements for licensure in all states or territories. Students are encouraged to become familiar with relevant state licensing laws and discuss their curricular plan with their major professor and specialization director.

This specialization meets requirements in Utah.

USU has not determined if the specialization meets requirements in: AK, AL, AR, AS, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, GU, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MP, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, PR, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UM, VA, VI, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY.


The School Psychology PhD Program was established in the 2018–19 academic year. The Program has been granted initial accreditation by the American Psychological Association for the period of May 11, 2021–May 11, 2026 (5 years). Answers to questions regarding accreditation and related standards are available through APA: 

American Psychological Association

Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation

American Psychological Association
750 First Street NE
Washington, DC 20002-442
Visit APA’s website